HAPPY SITHOLE | The Role of Cyber-Infrastructure in Development of Africa | SCFE20 invited speaker

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Supercomputer Frontiers Europe 2020 - invited speaker | Day-1 HPC in Africa
HAPPY SITHOLE, The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Title: The Role of Cyber-Infrastructure in Development of Africa
Abstract: South Africa has invested in cyber-infrastructure since 2006, and has developed a National Integrated Cyber-Infrastructure (NICIS), which provides high-speed networks, large data research capabilities and high performance computing. In an endeavour to ensure that these facilities have maximum impact in Africa, South Africa has developed programs to include the rest of the African continent in Cyber-Infrastructure Development. In this talk, I will outline the developmental challenges that the country faced and how they were addressed. I will also provide examples of success in industry facilitation using HPC and access to Data. The talk will also cover some of the developments in the other African countries. We will talk of the technology options and strategies on HPC technology choices and the rational behind those decisions.
Dr. Happy Sithole is the Center Manager of National Integrated Cyber-Infrastructure System (NICIS). Amongst his responsibilities is to oversee the developments of High Performance Computing in the country, through the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC), roll-out of broadband connectivity for all science councils and universities, through the SANReN and ensure long term data management for research community through DIRISA. Dr. Sithole has a PhD in Materials Science focused on mineral extraction schemes using large-scale simulations. He has applied the simulation techniques in diamond mining industry, where he worked as Process Optimisation specialist. He has also worked in nuclear power plant design, as Senior Process Engineer. His work in High Performance Computing includes strategic development of HPC and also technical level design of the HPC systems. He is passionate on applications performance on HPC systems, and considers HPC systems development to be driven by the applications requirements. He has pioneered the development of skills in South Africa and the continent. Dr. Sithole supports megascience projects such as the SKA and LHC projects. He sits in Steering Committees for HPC in different countries and also a Board Member of the National Library of South Africa, where he is the Chair of the ICT Committee. Dr. Sithole is also a member of the Steering Committee of ISC and SC. He also participates in the Works stream focusing on Infrastructure and Resources of the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He has presented invited and plenary talks in many meetings and countries.
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