Estudio de Ocultism y Magia Antigua: Explorando la Baraja de Tarot de Thot

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La baraja de tarot de Thoth es una de las barajas de tarot más enigmáticas y hermosas jamás creadas. Les invitamos a explorar el simbolismo y los misterios de estas carta. Un escritor famoso describió esta baraja como el microcosmos del universo. Le invitamos a revelar sus misterios.

The goal of the Academy of Logic and Light is to empower the community.
Magic and healing should be accessible for anyone regardless of income or status. We host teachers of specific trades and create a safe space to offer different modalities. Our goal is to support and foster the community with service projects, groups, and education.

We are a gathering of peers. We function as equals without hierarchy but there is a foundational structure to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

The goal is that the students are the teachers and the teachers are students and that this academy is affordable for everyone.
As above, so below.

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