Mastering File Uploads in JMeter with

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To upload a file, such as an Excel file,
in JMeter, you can use the "HTTP Request" sampler.
Thread Group
- Number of Threads: number of threads
- Ramp-Up Period: ramp-up period in seconds
- Loop Count: number of times to execute

HTTP Request Defaults
- Server Name or IP: server URL
- Port Number: port number
- Protocol: http/https

HTTP Header Manager
- Name: Content-Type
- Value: multipart/form-data; boundary= WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

HTTP Request
- Method: POST
- Path: path to upload endpoint
- Use multipart/form-data: checked

HTTP Header Manager
- Name: Content-Disposition

HTTP File Upload
- File Path: path to your local file
- Parameter Name: file
- MIME Type: file MIME type

View Results TreeOptional - for debuggin
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