AI3SD Winter Seminar #1: Topology & Applications in Chemistry Talk 1 - Professor Jacek Brodzki

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This video forms part of the AI3SD Winter Seminar Series 20/2021.
This video is the first talk in the first seminar of the series: Topology & Applications in Chemistry.
Topology: From shapes to numbers – Professor Jacek Brodzki
Abstract: Topology is a branch of mathematics that concerns itself with a study of shape and how to describe them through computable numerical characteristics. While this sounds inauspicious, in the last two decades we witnessed a very rapid development of Topological Data Analysis (TDA), which has now established itself as a key part of modern data-driven science alongside machine learning and statistics. There are now very many examples of how TDA can be used to derive information from complex data sets and to provide insight into complex scientific problems. In this talk, we will introduce the main tools of TDA and to illustrate their applications to the problem of solubility of chemical compounds. The talk will also serve as an introduction to the other talks in this session.
Bio: Professor Jacek Brodzki is Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Southampton. He is fascinated by interactions between analysis and geometry. His current work revolves around problems in noncommutative geometry arising from the Baum-Connes conjecture, including characterisations of property A, exactness of groups and their consequences. A very important part of Jacek’s research concentrates on applications of geometry and topology to modern data analysis, which was supported by the EPSRC through the programme “Joining the dots: From data to insight” (JTD). He leads a research group which works on creating a deep integration of topological data analysis, machine learning and statistics.
This video is an output from the AI3SD Network+ (Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Intelligence for Automated Investigations for Scientific Discovery) which is funded by EPSRC under Grant Number EP/S000356/1
This video is the first talk in the first seminar of the series: Topology & Applications in Chemistry.
Topology: From shapes to numbers – Professor Jacek Brodzki
Abstract: Topology is a branch of mathematics that concerns itself with a study of shape and how to describe them through computable numerical characteristics. While this sounds inauspicious, in the last two decades we witnessed a very rapid development of Topological Data Analysis (TDA), which has now established itself as a key part of modern data-driven science alongside machine learning and statistics. There are now very many examples of how TDA can be used to derive information from complex data sets and to provide insight into complex scientific problems. In this talk, we will introduce the main tools of TDA and to illustrate their applications to the problem of solubility of chemical compounds. The talk will also serve as an introduction to the other talks in this session.
Bio: Professor Jacek Brodzki is Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Southampton. He is fascinated by interactions between analysis and geometry. His current work revolves around problems in noncommutative geometry arising from the Baum-Connes conjecture, including characterisations of property A, exactness of groups and their consequences. A very important part of Jacek’s research concentrates on applications of geometry and topology to modern data analysis, which was supported by the EPSRC through the programme “Joining the dots: From data to insight” (JTD). He leads a research group which works on creating a deep integration of topological data analysis, machine learning and statistics.
This video is an output from the AI3SD Network+ (Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Intelligence for Automated Investigations for Scientific Discovery) which is funded by EPSRC under Grant Number EP/S000356/1