Top 5 Zelda Dungeons - Zeltik

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A list of my 5 favourite Legend of Zelda dungeons.

► Music in this video:
Multiple tracks by ZREO

If there’s one thing that makes Zelda games special, aside from the exploration, and the characters, and the music, and the story.. and the visuals… and basically everything else, it’s the dungeons. Dungeons are the perfect counterpart to Zelda’s exploration in traditionally bright overworlds - the contrast between the two making the descent into a dark, monster-infested labyrinth all the more intimidating.
And since I’ve been trying to let you guys know me more as a person, I thought that today I’d run you through my top 5 favourite Legend of Zelda dungeons, across all of the games.
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Can we just appreciate how awesome it is in Twilight Princess that there's a dungeon in the temple of time??? Like the same temple as ocarina of time, but now there's a giant tower inside of it???


Twilight Princess had some pretty neat dungeons too. I remember Arbiter's Grounds and Twilight Palace being pretty cool. And the snow one was dope too, being a mansion and all.


Id have put Arbiters Grounds from twilight princess in here somewhere


1: Stone Tower Temple
2: Ancient Cistern
3: Spirit Temple
4: Arbiter’s Grounds
5: Great Bay Temple


Spirit temple OOT was the best
You played as young link and adult link and with the story of the sage and the witches? Awsome!!!


My favorite dungeons are Arbiter’s grounds and Snowpeak ruins from twilight princess. I like them so much because of the amazing dungeon items, the bosses, and the design.


Honest, The Yeti's palace on Snow Peak was my favorite. I think it is the Yeti that make it for me, they are just so sweet, and have Link running around collecting ingredients for the worst sounding soup ever.


5. Temple of Time (TP)
4. Shadow Temple (OoT)
3. Spirit Temple (OoT)
2. Snowpeak Ruins (TP)
1. Arbiter's Grounds (TP)


My list:
5. Sandship
4. Ancient Cistern
3. Arbiter's Grounds
2. Spirit Temple
1. Snowpeak Ruins


I understand why you didn't include TP dungeons. Because that game alone would fill up the whole top 5 list.


My favorite dungeon is the stone tower temple


Honestly the skykeep dungeon In skyward sword is my favorite. The whole concept of a dungeon with moving rooms is so cool, and the fact that you collect all 3 pieces of the triforce in it is really cool too


Forest temple's music always gives me chills and goosebumps. When I played the game as a kid I was scared af during that temple


Where's Stone Tower dungeon? It at least deserves honorable mention for being so massive


arbiters grounds, city in the sky, and snow peak ruins (all from tp) are all some of my favorites, along with the forest temple (oot)


07:07 This sentiment is incredibly sensitive and powerful. There's something extremely fascinating about really mysterious stuff that's been there all along, not in some distant place or in the unknown frontier, but in places you thought you knew forever. Love that. And I absolutely feel the same way about the Forest Temple and always have since the game first came out. Similar to this, the Temple of Time from Twilight Princess is a strong candidate for this list. Very intelligent dungeon layout, an intriguing puzzle concept and great atmosphere, and it's an incredibly mystical place, heavy with meaning and ancient history, and it's basically right around the corner where Link grew up in that game.


"Minish cap is my favorite zelda"

I said outloud to an audience of no one "What?!"


5. Ganon's Tower (OoT). It's my favorite final dungeon in the series (though Hyrule Castle from TP is a very close second).
4. Arbiter's Grounds (TP). Good atmosphere, cool item, a fantastic boss, and an iconic location used in future events in the game. What's not to love?
3. Woodfall Temple (MM). The Stone Tower gets a lot of well-deserved love, but there a few parts that always annoy me (ie. That one timed mirror shield puzzle). The Woodfall area may not have as much atmosphere as Ikana, but I really enjoy the temple itself. It also doesn't feel like a tutorial, which is a great departure from some other first dungeons in the series.
2.Thieves' Hideout (LttP). What can I say? I really liked the fakeout with the girl, and I liked fighting a boss that some NPCs talked about in Kakariko. It may not be one of the best dungeons in the series, but it is a personal favorite.
1. The Spirit Temple (OoT). I tried to keep it one per game, but I couldn't help myself here. A sage doubling as the miniboss, the hover boots, the mirror shield, the iron knuckles, and the twin boss fights were all fantastic. It feels climatic because of the struggle to reach the dungeon and because of the area's connection with Ganondorf. I also really like that Kaepora acknowledged Link's growth at the end of the child half. It just feels right he calls young Link a man, showing that it's his adventure and not the time skip that led to him maturing.


Wow dude, I completely agree on your reasoning for Forest Temple. It conveys some feelings that are difficult to put into words, but you do a good enough job of doing just that.


My favorite is the snowpeak mansion from TP. The ball and chain was awesome, I liked the fact that the dungeon was just a mansion that got taken over by monsters, the whole mirror quest that ends up making soup was a cool central mechanic to build a dungeon around, and do I even need to mention the boss fight with its epic music?
