Cyberpunk 2077: Xbox Series X audio popping glitch (patch 1.52)

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Audio popping bug when double-jumping and doing certain other things like opening car doors and generally while driving.

Hoping CDPR or Microsoft will find a fix.
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Exactly! I sent in a bug report of the exact same thing with a video basically the same. The audio in this game is so glitchy. Audio crackles and pops have been happening in the menus and in-game since the first version back on Xbox One. I've got it paused right now in the menu and it's frequently cracking and popping. Sometimes when you're driving around the city, you'll get several seconds of static-like crackling.
But I'm highly sceptical CDPR will ever fix it. It's already been a highly reported bug.


Clear your local cache! Settings, storage, clear local saved games. Sync the save, all better


Ik it’s been a year an It’s still not fixed it does that crackling sound and sometimes it cuts off all the audio and then when I get on my motorcycles or get in any vehicle in General, it cuts off the audio for a second but now gives it a delay until you crash I don’t ever think they’re going to fix this game


Getting the same thing, didn't happen at launch
