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Where we learn in verse 19 the perfect "outline" of the Book of Revelation! What a Saviour we serve!
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"FEAR NOT, I AM!" AMEN!! HE is, HE was, HE is the one who is to come! The Lion from the tribe of Judah! Praise God! Thank you for your lesson. Love that shirt and tie!


Watched and enjoyed! Can’t imagine what John saw and heard, but I will some day! Praise God


Amen I can identify with God using my circumstances to change me enjoying this study


*Thank You Lord for Your Words, thank you Brother Bagwell for another powerful teachings of the scriptures I truly enjoyed and most of all i understand continue blessings to you Sister Debbie and your family🙏🥰🇯🇲*


and people still try to claim that Jesus really didn't die on the Cross. he just swooned or whatever they say. yet here he is personally telling John "I am He that WAS DEAD". seems pretty clear to me.


Oh what joy to look upon His face! Thank you for breaking the word down that I can understand! God bless you today! Praying for you!♥️🙏♥️


Hey Preacher Bagwell. I'm not sure if you realized that your study was interrupted multiple times by ads. That doesn't usually happen, so I thought it might have been a setting that was activated when you uploaded the video. I'm not familiar with uploading videos to YouTube, I just know that your videos are not usually interrupted with ads. Even though the ads were very distracting, I loved the material you covered today!


"Fear not; ... I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen"! What have we to fear or dread in this evil world when "the First and the Last" is our Saviour!" Thank you, Brother Bagwell and thank you to the great "I Am"! Another lesson full of gems and a perfect way to start my day! Praying for you and your wife...


Watched and enjoyed. I always learn. Thank you Pastor Bagwell, praying for you and sister Debbie. ❤🙏🏻


Watched learned and enjoyed so much. Thank you Brother Bagwell.


Awesome study, Dr. Bagwell! Really loving going thru this book with you! "Saw"/εἴδω/eidō/saw an realized. The glorified Jesus looks much different than the Jesus that was on earth. Abraham saw the Lord (Gen. 17:3). Samson's father Manoah (Judges 13:20) saw the Lord. Ezekiel saw the Lord (Ezek. 3:23). Daniel saw the Lord (Dan. 8:17). The disciples (Matt 17:6). Job saw Him (Job 42:5-6). Isaiah saw Him (Isa. 6:5). Falling down at Jesus' feet is a very typical reaction. We will probably all react the same way in that we will fall on the ground. John fell as a dead man, Jesus came near and laid His right hand on him. How did he know it was the Lord's right hand? John wasn't looking. John had felt that right hand so many times that he knew. John leaned on Jesus' breast at mealtime. John was close to Jesus. "Fear not"/φοβέω/phobeō/μή/mē. The antidote to fear is Jesus Christ. The "I AM". The first "fear not" in the Bible occurs in conjuction with the first "I AM" of the Bible in Genesis 15:1. Jesus defines Himself. A legitimate, valid definition of God's name Jehovah is "I AM". Jesus as God is the eternally self-existent one. "Liveth"/ζάω/zaō. "Was Jesus' experience with dead is done. They will never kill Him again. "I am"/εἰμί/eimi. "Amen"/ἀμήν/amēn/truth, sure, solid as a rock. "Hell"/ᾅδης/hadēs/the place of the departed dead. The devil is the king of terrors and death. But Jesus conquered death and is jingling the keys. 1Cor. 15:55  O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? Verse 19 is one of the truly great verses of Scripture. Our God knows the past, present and the future. Verse 19 gives us the outline of the whole book of Revelation. What has John just seen? A beautiful vision of Jesus Christ in His glory. John saw His countenance, His face and His clothing. Part of Revelation is past, part is present, and part is future. Chapter 1 is past tense. Chapters 2 thru 3 are present tense. Chapters 4:1 all the way to the end of chapter 22 are future. In chapters 4-5 we go to heaven. In chapter 6 thru 19 we have the tribulation. Then we have the millennium, the Great White Throne Judgment and eternity. God loved us enough to tell us about things that must shortly come to pass. Amen! "Stars"/ἀστήρ/astēr. that was hidden that is now revealed. Jesus is about to become the ultimate expositor in verse 20. "Angel"/ἄγγελος/aggelos/a messenger. This probably refers to the pastors of each individual church. It could also be literal angels assigned to the churches. This is a group of people who are saved and called out of the world. Great study, Dr. Bagwell! Thank you so much for doing these studies. I know how much time this takes to put these together. I just started teaching Sunday school once a week and honestly, I do not know where you have the time to prepare for revival and then prepare for these lessons as well. Thank you for this sacrifice that you make for us!


A very satisfying lesson! I especially enjoyed all the scripture examples you gave about "fell on his face" and the icing on the cake was the "Fear not; I am" First occurrences in conjunction with each other in Gen. 15:1 *WOW* a double first! About the seven stars being the seven angels in verse 20 _ I believe that is a dual application, meaning the pastors of the churches but also of angelic beings as well. *AMEN and THANK YOU BROTHER BAGWELL*


Preacher what a joy it is to listen to you teach the words of my Savior! Billions of years from now I will still be loving and praising Him! What a thought! I can hardly take it all in, it’s to much for my simple mind to comprehend! But it’s still truth! God love and bless you today! 🙏♥️🙏


This one I enjoyed a lot. Thanks for listing a few of those that met Jesus in the Bible. The Old Testament ones are fun to learn about (Hey! That’s Him!!)

Also liked understanding better what you say about their posture when they met him. On their face. And the realization of humbling it will be when WE meet him, and feel his right hand. Not just in spirit right hand, but in body.


When John fell, Jesus touched him. Jesus stooped down, or reached down to him. I see this as Jesus still comforting, even till the end. It shows that Jesus is supreme. He has to reach down to us, we are not his equal.

Following the Law of First Mention would tell us to do exactly what you said. When we fear, the great I Am is there, never leaving or forsaking us! Thank you Lord!!


Watched and enjoyed. Great class! I pray that I’ll be like clay in the hand of the Potter, so He can use my circumstances to make me what He wants me to be. Amen, Bro. Mike.


Watched, learned,and absolutely enjoyed..


Amen…we sure need changing or we’ll never reach the goal he has for us.
