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NEW VOIDGRUBS, HERALD & BARON CHANGES - League of Legends. We're getting some pretty big jungle changes next patch, with changes to the spawn timer of the void grubs, buffs to touch of the void and how we summon voidmites, rift herald's position and baron's abilities damage!

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This will shift up the game a bit, especially the 1 min delay between first dragon and first set of grubs, what do you think about the changes? 😺


The void grub timer change is actually huge. now I can no longer full clear into both scuttles and reset just in time for grub spawn. An extra minute to stall or prep may change a lot


The grubs are HIGHLY underestimated. Every game i ping and call to rush them because they give HUGE map pressure on ALL lanes ALL GAME LONG


Void grubs activating on 4 instead of 5 is a huge change to jungle. Killing one grub per camp was half of the camp XP and kept the enemy team from getting void grubs vs your towers. So if you didn't have a way to take the grubs, you could just steal one and leave the other two for the enemy jungler. Now you'll have to fight for at least one of the grub camps, or the enemy team will get spawning grubs. I think it's a healthy change though, as it was too easy to keep the enemy team from getting grub spawnings. Now it will take more of a dedicated effort.


This could be a dangerous change because of how early lead works in top lane. Before this change, if a fight started on void grubs at 5:00 / 5:30 max, both top laners would be lvl 4-5 which meant that junglers who were also lvl 4-5 would be able to fight them off. Now they spawn at 6:00 minutes which means not only top laners will always be 1 lvl ahead of junglers but they'll also have their game changing Ultimates (Darius R, mordekaiser R, garen R, Riven R, Fiora R, Mundo R, Olaf R, Urgot R ecc...) and since a decent early lead can delay the enemy top laner's lvl 6 till 6:00, this makes it impossible for any jungler who has the losing top lane to actually get 1st spawn grubs.


They BUFFED grubs? Great more reasons for my mid & top lane to never show up to them & afk in their lane with no prio.


Grubs, Herald, Dragons and Baron need to get their times changed. I know people are so used to the current times for Baron and Herald but the Grubs make things just too hectic. You clear your jungle once and you either get dragon or grubs. Now with grubs being 1 minute late means you have even less time before 2nd set spawns (if at all) and then Herald.


Yayy, now i have to pay even more atention the enemys dont get all of em, idk still a cosmetic but somehow its also not


They'll probably remove grubs at some point, instead of making toplane relevant by giving it objective, voidgrubs are just done by the team that can't contest the dragon...
They are literally just rewarding the team that is behind atm.


Still I think Baron needs way more buffs than this. It should be difficult to be slain by 2-3 people and should need a more strategic approach to kill him without casualties. But yeah, they want the game to be newbie friendly. Voidgrubs changes are kinda cool ig.


Amazing! The 1 team void 1 team dragon meta is annoying, I feel like the team who gets early voids usually wins unless you can secure all 4 dragons. 🐉


I don’t like the spawn timer change this gets rid of a lot of jungle power in soloq. Typically there’s 1 team that will actually have players rotate to objectives and one that doesn’t so now it just means the team that does rotate gets both obj whereas before as a jungle you see the enemy go grub you can get 1 free drag delaying the entire game by 6 mins which is incredibly useful for junglers in soloq to be able to do


Finally, i was so done with the enemy jungler taking drake solo unpunished because my jgler wants to grubs and the botlane inting as usual


ADD AN EFFECT BEFORE THEY DESPAWN! Lost a few grubs cuz I didn’t check the time and it just got killed by herald


I'm not sure how I feel about the new design for Baron.


Is it me or does Herald feels extremely underwhelming this season? Maybe that's because she no longer spawns before plates fall so you can't use her to get a huge money lead, I don't know she she just doesn't feel impactful anymore


Support will now will leave adc and never to return in higher elo. Deserved it adc players.


Yeah, that 1 min spawn timer changes almost absolutely nothing, lol. No one gives a fuck about the 1st dragon ever unless they're trying to solo steal it, and the 1st dragon hasn't had any real value since Grubs were introduced. Pushing the spawn timer 1 min further basically means you get more room to gank while you wait for them to spawn, and/or can full clear with a slower jungler without getting punished into oblivion by a way faster jungler. Riot has, basically, once again, further lowered the skill ceiling and entry level of jungling in order to give NA and EU another massive handicap against Chinese and KR teams.


Baron damage ALWAYS is a joke as long as at least two people take him down


Tbh I would give baron some cripple aura (cripple is attack speed reduction for those who don't know) and antiheal just to make sure people can't kill it solo. Its kind of unfair and stupid
