How Zuck screwed Saverin - Fact vs Fiction

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This video, this story, honestly, is inevitably about judging. We have facts, yes, but you will forge an opinion about everyone who is involved here, you are going to judge- and by all means, do it in the comments.
It’s no wonder that the script for The Social Network, written by this guy- one of the greatest screenwriters of our time, mind you, plays during two lawsuits.

And to understand what happened between Mark and Eduardo, we must also understand the other lawsuit first.
Lawsuit one is from the Winklevosses, who sued Mark for stealing their idea for a social network.
And for the most part, the version of the story portrayed in the film is real.


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Mark built FB from a stolen idea and screwed over the guy who initially kept the lights on. And he got away with it primarily because it was in the US that all this happened.


Although Eduardo wasn’t as involved in later Facebook, he helped start it and didn’t deserve to be screwed like that.


What Mark did was wrong, if he wanted Eduardo out he should have made him an offer OR simply take him to court on the grounds that he was a liability to the company(which even then it's a bit debatable). When you put the legal crap out of the way, Mark DID scheme to get his friend(who he did consider a money ticket) out of his company, that is the truth.


I was literally researching about this last night. And what you've presented is pretty spot-on. imho, Mark was friends with Eduardo for his money, and because he gave a vibe that he knew how businesses worked, while Eduardo considered Mark as an actual friend, not for the things he offered. Mark wanted Eduardo to grow this business while he could focus on development, but Eduardo wasn't capable of this, he knew much less than what Mark knew about running a business and because he was already working + making his startup, he had less time for Facebook. So when Mark saw he wasn't getting anything out of Eduardo, he schemed a plan against him, to make him lose control over the company, so that Mark could move on to other investors (Peter Theil, etc). Eduardo didn't see this coming, because he still considered Mark a buddy, not a business partner.

This is what makes this situation difficult to judge, Mark was right legally (because everything was documented, and Eduardo signed these by trusting Mark), but very wrong ethically (as Mark betrayed a close friend's trust for his selfish aim). On the other hand, Eduardo wasn''t involved whole-heartedly with Facebook, which led to Mark plotting out this betrayal. Also, Mark expected too much from Eduardo, and when he didn't get what he needed, he decided to cut him off, without the chance of communication.


In my opinion, no one is the good guy or the bad buy, everyone saw facebook as a mean to their objectives, Mark as his legacy, Eduardo as a project to learn until he didn't and didn't accomplish his tasks and Sean as a second chance to make it big in tech, which means that all of them were just trying to get the most out of it, which they did at the end, except for the Winklevoss.


Fun fact. At the dinner with Parker and Zuckerberg was eventual Uber founder Travis Kalanick, who had founded his own MP3 discovery site and been shut down by the record industry.


Honestly, from a nonbiased stand point, there are no heroes in this. Mark got his way of building a company and running it, Eduardo got paid big bucks for doing next to nothing, and Sean is just happy it didn't turn into napster 2.0. The true villainy in all of this is Zuck selling information accrued using his platform, as well as conducting experiments on its users that rival MK Ultra. Dude is practically a true to life Bond Villain.


the best line in the movie when Saverin tells Mark that I was your only friend not as a complaint but as a major shock that someone could lose their only friend for money. It looks quite real given MZ life


It was interesting to see some of the actual text messages. It's funny how Mark comes across negatively and somewhat conniving in them, yet he seemed much more normal and relatable in the texts compared to the public persona he has always broadcast in interviews and public presentations. He comes across as awkward when presenting himself as an extremely wholesome and well-intentioned guy, yet he has always maintained presenting himself this way. Most people with some sense see right through his facade, and this is how he gained the 'lizard overlord' reputation. He never changed his public persona to be more like his authentic self, so the reputation stuck.


Team Eduardo, represent! Also, I have to say that I find it refreshing that the movie takes the basic idea of 'Revenge of the Nerds' and flips the script, making the jocks and preps the relatable ones while making the nerd the supervillain. IRL, nerds and jocks alike can be heroic or villainous. An individual's moral compass isn't governed by their aptitude. I really liked what the one Winklevoss said about being "a gentleman of Harvard." In a world where Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil reign supreme, Lawful Good becomes an act of protest.


Having those final valuation percentages made all the difference for me. If Eduardo was diluted into oblivion, I could see why he'd be so angry and justified to sue. But he still owned 5%, contributing very little (paying for servers, not producing code, etc) while Mark owned <30% while actively building the company. If that's the pathway to a personal billion dollar exit, I'll start floating the AWS costs for some startups rather than producing code.


I have no idea of how this video, made it into my "hey you should watch it" but I did and it was brilliant. Well done


good vid! this situation seems a lot more grey then the movie made it out to be. Eduardo was portrayed as someone who was basically blameless but in reality it makes sense everyone else was pissed off about him but at the same time diluting his shares like that was still a dirty move


If Mark hadn't done this, Eduardo wouldn't have been a billionaire.


Its refreshing seeing a well balanced and researched video like this


Best advice I could give on this is never work with a friend owning a business is stressful enough without friends doing the bare minimum. A lot of friend ships don't last in the business world


"Don't tell your idea to anybody because they might steal it. -- That's a bullshit lesson!" Spoke like someone who never had their idea stolen.


This is honestly a great video.. I was a senior software engineer from 05 to 2013 there so I first hand seen a lot of things... Well put video


"The Winklevi.. aren't suing me for intellectual property theft. They're suing me because, for the first time in their lives, things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to for them."
