How To Make 'The Amazing Spider-Man' Amazing Again!

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My friend @BrianLCS came up with an idea of #how some hardcore #amazingspiderman fans could come up with some points & speak their minds on the flagship #comic title of #spiderman ...and make it amazing again!

Please see Brian's channel, to hear what many YouTubers think on how to fix their favorite #comicbook !!!

Well, this is my long format version of my idea of #howto make the Amazing Spider-Man, amazing again!

Please join me, as speak honestly about where Spider-Man has been lately with the #Marvel franchise title and where I hope to see it go!

#ASM has been flawed and disappointing over the last 5-10 years...but is it salvageable? Is the #mcu keeping it down on purpose? Does Marvel even care about the title anymore?

Let me tell you what could be done!
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Well done, Chris. Agreed a back to basics approach with Spidey is what we need. Stop all the crossover, events, etc. and get back to some web slinging and crime fighting.


Lots of great ideas Chris, and I don't even read Spidey, apart from Ultimate, but if they take your ideas, I might!


Found your channel through this video -- and it was a good one! I do like the idea of giving Peter a grounded story arc next and stopping the romantic drama for a while (the guy needs a break). Also, it's great that you bring up the conspiracy theories likely being untrue with the existence of Immortal Hulk, hadn't thought about that before but that makes total sense as a counterpoint!


Great points throughout the video! And yes, Kraven's Last Hunt is the greatest story in Amazing Spider-Man. Thanks for sharing, Chris. #ComicArmyNMchapter


I like the idea of arcs. I would even push that to more issues. Agreed DC tends to put best writers and best artists on Batman. I talk about this all the time on my weekly video on new books. Like your idea and again agree they should map out every character and where they want them at the start and end of each arc and beyond. I have not considered too much who would write and do art. Have to think on that. Miles has gotten better last couple issues but I almost dropped it. Was not digging that arc. We should talk about this sometime. I love Spider-Man. Just want him back to greatness!


None of what you want will happen until the Spider-Office is cleared out starting with Nick Lowe. Him and his team have hired the same group of people for 16 years straight to do the book. There’s no reason for Marvel ever to make any changes because it sells out regardless


I had to wait to watch this video. Spiderman is my favorite hero. His stories in my opinion are not the best since the last 10 years. I think they should go back to the formula of the 80s-90s Spidey when he made puns and used his abilities. Make the villians more deadly or give them a new perspective in order to challege Spidey. Having a revolving door of creators might make another Cates Hulk run. Most of these new creators DON'T UNDERSTAND SPIDERMAN (sorry for the topic). Crossovers are not that bad in my opinion. One thing is stop relaunching the book. I have met both Ziglar and Wells at a comic con.


My two favorite marvel characters are Spider-man and Daredevil. Amazing spider-man is on the decline with the art and storytelling. Ultimate SpiderMan is way better than amazing. I hope they get some better artist and writers soon.


good talk, bro. here is my take on this whole thing. first, stop trying to always ruin peter's life. let him have some happiness like he had for a very long time with MJ. second, get rid of the whole MJ being with this paul guy and take away jackpot's powers. her own series is not that great and it's ridiculous that it took ms. marvel to die in order for her to gain these fricking powers in the first place. third, make up your minds on a direction you want amazing spider-man to go in. keep him happy as peter parker and let him be still the amazing spider-man he always was or just say, you don't know where to take his character anymore and leave it be. marvel has ruined him over and over again so much that, even i lost interest in your storytelling for his series. finally, stop the whole stupidness with mile morales being a vampire now. it's so stupid and makes zero sense to keep it going. there, NUFF SAID! #ComicArmy2K
