ITeLearn Webservices Testing SoapUI Testing Free Webinar and Tutorial for beginners using soapui

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Webservices Testing SoapUI Testing Free Webinar and Tutorial for beginners
What is a web Service "A detailed Explanation with Examples - What is a webservice
Why Web Services, Show some Real web services over the web "
Web Services Framework "Formats & Protocols - SAOP,XML
Description Languages - WSDL
Discovery Services - UDDI"
SOAP and XML XML Messaging, XML Schema, SOAP Envelop(Headers _+ Body), Metadata ( address), Soap Binding(Http, RPC)
WSDL Port Types, Bindings, Operations , Request and Response - Creating WSDLs
Discovery Finding Metedata, UDDI
Webservice Testing - Tools Web Service testing , Testing Types - Functional, Performance , Security,Tools , Introduction to SoapUI & Soap Ui Pro, Why SoapUI
SoapUI - Basics Installation, Understanding the SoapUI IDE, Creating a sample Project
SoapUI - Functional Testing Creating Test Suites,Assertions, Script Assertions, XML Validations
SoapUI - Functional Testing Test Execution & Debugging
SoapUI Pro- Functional Testing - Data Driven Testing Databases & Test Data
SoapUI - Functional Testing - Service Mocking Working with Mock Services
SoapUI - Functional Testing - Service Mocking Working with Mock Services
SoapUI pro - Test Automation Running from the command line , Integration with other tools
SoapUI pro - Test Reporting Html Reporting and Exporting Reports
SoapUI pro - Security Testing Overview and Working with Security tests
SoapUI pro - Load Testing Load UI , Creating and running tests , Load Simulation
SoapUI pro - Load Testing Performance validation and Exporting Statistics
SoapUI - Properties and Plugins Working with Properties, IDE Plugins
Groovy Scripting Basics,Simple data types,Collective , Working with closures, Arround Groovy Library
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