BCH Lecture: Life's essential 8 Jan 2023

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It’s important to know the state of your heart health now so you have a chance to improve it if necessary. That’s where the American Heart Association’s prescription for heart health, called Life’s Essential 8, comes into play. It contains eight key measures for improving and maintaining heart health, which can help to lower your risk for heart attack, heart arrhythmias, heart valve problems, stroke and other major health problems.
Board-certified cardiologist John Schutz, MD, will describe eight steps you can take to optimize your heart health. He’ll then explain how to score your current heart health by stacking it up against Life’s Essential 8.
Board-certified cardiologist John Schutz, MD, will describe eight steps you can take to optimize your heart health. He’ll then explain how to score your current heart health by stacking it up against Life’s Essential 8.