Types of Joints Re-Edit - Study Songz

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Re-edits video and song! This is a popular song, which I did not see coming.

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Free moving are called Synovial

Verse 1

Name your joint based on movement
Some got a lot a lot and some got none
Synarthrodial Amphiarthrodial
Some movement but only a little

Free moving is Diarthrodial
Free moving are called Synovial

Some movement no joint cavity
These joint have their own category
Synarthrosis Amphiarthrosis
Some movement no joint cavity


Verse 2

Synarthrosis 2 classes
Fibrous and Cartilaginous
Synostosis Syndesmosis

Sutures are all called Fibrous
These joints are held together
By fibrous connective tissue

Synchondrosis Symphysis
Are both called Cartilaginous

These joints are held together by
That stuff call cartilage


Verse 3

Sutures are joints of the skull
Synostosis once they fuse

Syndesmosis not the same
With interosseous membranes

Syndesmosis in your shin fibrously connects tib and fib.
Symphysis in your pelvis with a disc of fibrocartilage
Connecting your pubises the joint is called Cartilaginous.

Synchondrosis a fun one
Connects you ribs and sternum
Using cartilage of Hyaline

Intervertebral joints are Amphiarthrodial joints
Diarthrodial joints are Synovial joints

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