Mike Tyson vs Silverback Gorilla Isn't Close

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G'day ladies and gentlemen! Today I have a surprise video, where I end the weirdly long debate of Mike Tyson against a Silverback Gorilla. It's always an odd and interesting mix when top tier humans are hypothetically put against animals. Who will come out on top? Sit back and find out!

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Gorilla is making a coat from mike tyson


Ngl seeing Mike tyson fight a gorilla sounds way more interesting then I originally thought


I think Mike would land the 1st punch as it charged in. Then it would tear him apart. Like a strong man fighting a primary school child. His punches would not be strong enough to cause any problems and the gorilla is literally just built different.


Mike Tyson isn't someone I'd want to mess with even if he is way past his prime, he can still punch pretty hard. With that being said, a Silver back would rip him in half.


Imagine going face to face with the most dangerous species the world has ever seen

glad to see the gorilla made it out of this


The outcome is pretty much a given. The speed with which the gorilla would finish Mike off is basically dependent on how threatened the gorilla really feels. If he thinks it's a life or death fight, Mike will be dead after less than 15 seconds.


I’ve always been a Tyson fan but 10 Tyson’s in their prime, won’t take a Silverback in its prime.


Leopards regularly prey on young and female gorillas but not on fully grown silverbacks. Thats just too risky. Same with other carnivores. It is very very rare to see even bears prey on fully grown Elk or Moose Bulls and even if they try it often ends in their own deaths. There is a reason many herbivores out grow their predetors to a significant amount, because it truly does protect them.


agree, although with animals, one never can be sure...the gorilla might be shocked, surprised & confused & simply run off, granting a "win". Animals simply do not understand concepts like prize fighting. Odds are, though, with a male, the gorilla rushes, bashes him down & bites him fatally. I think it might be quite fast; those surprising. shocking, initial blows from Mike have to carry a lot...and i think they rely on the gorilla not knowing what is happening(ie unfair sneak attacks). Plus, Mike is totally hosed with his style of taking on taller foes...it's reversed here! and the gorilla STLL has vast reach advantage despite being shorter! an especially bad match up for mike


I cannot believe that someone really thinks that Tyson will win suchva fight:))


i do have to respect you making a 10 minute video on this when in reality we all know the obvious winner, Props brother


The fact that a human could challenge a gorilla is ridiculus


The only people who thought this was a debate are what we call Smooth Brains


This is how I predicted a fight between Mike Tyson and a large silverback gorilla would go down, in a nutshell:

*plays clip of the “Bane vs. Mammoth” fight in Young Justice*


Where's the picture of Tyson biting Holyfield's ear off during the bite force comparison?


even though people are overestimating gorillas extremely, the gorilla would still win


Keep in mind that gorillas are typically peaceful and there's a small chance that if Mike were aggressive and put all of his power into a fast assault the gorilla might actually try to flee the scene instead of fighting back, especially if he were targeting vulnerable areas with his punches (assuming no boxing rules).


I totally agree, people don't seem to understand the vast gap in phyisical ability, very Similar to the Grizzly vs Tiger fight, sure they have similar weaponry, but this is where the similarities end, the gorilla like the grizzly is twice the mass, far stronger, and capable of shrugging off damage that would mame or cripple its competetor, and regularly does so. Aside from a lucky move at the beginning, neither the tiger or Iron mike would stand a chance in a drawn out fight, and that lucky strike is more than likely just going to piss off their opponent who takes similar attacks with no physical damage. I don't think this is even close, the onlookers at the zoo would have witnessed Mike approach and maybe punch the gorilla, who would proceed to tear him limb from limb with little effort.


I think that even a very angry female gorilla would destroy every elite heavyweight human fighter.


Apart from the comedic value, what an absolutely ridiculous 'Debate'. Statistics would not save Mike Tyson from being used as a meat glove puppet. A silverback would at first be curious as to what the insane opponent was doing there. Then, when it felt threatened, it would display a very emphatic warning. If Mike then insisted on continuing with the madness, Mike would not just lose - he would be Mike Tysons - plural. He would be in various bloody clumps effortlessly. And the silverback would resume his position on a rock and maybe for a second or two, would wonder what the Hell had just happened. Mike in his prime, would NOT even be able to give a chimpanzee a moments worry.
