Top 5 Myths About Lawyers [& TOP 5 LAWYER MOVIE QUOTES!!]

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TOP 5 MYTHS ABOUT LAWYERS//Have you ever wondered what lawyers’ lives are really like? What it’s really like to be a lawyer? Wondered about most common lawyer personality types? About how much do lawyers work? About how much do lawyers make? And you’re not sure you can trust what you’ve seen on TV and movies?? Then you’ve come to the right place!

In this video we bust the TOP 5 most common myths about lawyers(!) and share with you things you may not know about lawyers, about lawyer reality vs expectations, and set the record straight on what it’s really like to be a lawyer. I hope you guys enjoy these unknown aspects of being a lawyer!

Myth 1: Lawyers love to argue.
Myth 2: Lawyers are liars.
Myth 3: Lawyers know everything about every type of law.
Myth 4: Lawyers are rich.
Myth 5: Lawyers live glamorous, TV-worthy lives.

Did any of the myths surprise you?? :)
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Check out my playlist of other LEGAL LIFESTYLE VIDEOS here!:

Hit me up on social media with any questions about how to succeed as a lawyer in the legal industry!!

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I hope you guys liked the myth-busters (and the sweet video clips)!! Let me know if you did by commenting "tribe on!" below :)


Thank you soo much for this video...
When every time I say, 'I want to be a lawyer'..
My family, friends and all are saying 'don't be a lawyer, they are liers'..

Yes that is a myth and thank you again for this video..


I'd really like to thank you for this enthusiasm. I've rarely seen people talking about law like you do. I've always thought that law makes you kind of depressed and unhappy (it scared me a little because i want to go in a law university in France even though i'm only 15 so i'm not fully sure) you seem to appreciate your job and even your time in biglaw. Sorry if i made any mistakes, i'm french


I love your videos. There very funny and informative. What got you started on making a YouTube channel? I’ve noticed there are a lot of resources missing for attorneys out there, and I think your content is great 👍


Hi nice video 😇
Plz answer my question like on an average how much money a cooperate lawyer make per year ?🤔🤔


so as there are different engineers and also different doctors - pedia, Surgeon, Dentist, etc... there are specialty lawyers also


Right now I’m in my freshman year of college and my major is in business. But for some reason I keep getting the feeling that I want to be a lawyer. Does your undergrad degree matter? Or are there some majors that are good to have before going into law school. If so could you list a few or something, just wondering thanks love the channel


Is INTJ a good myer briggs personality type for even becoming a lawyer? I am going on my last year of Columbia University and have majored in economics, but I might want to become a lawyer.


I'm starting my 1L next fall, all of this information and the other videos that you posted helped me so much!


Great video! Great insight into what lawyers do and addressing some misconceptions people have about lawyers! I recently graduated law school and passed the bar exam. Unfortunately I lost my job due to coronavirus cutback and I started a channel documenting my journey back to getting a job and starting my legal career. I decided I would use this setback as a set up to make a comeback! I would love any feedback people have! Keep up the great content!


my English teacher at law university in France assigned us to watch your video as homework :)


Can you make a video on how to prepare for law school ? 😁


Number 1 myth is that they’re all millionaires who work 8-5 and make 1k an hour.


Hahaha I'm lawyer from Brazil I find cool your video hahahah our law is different is based in Civil Law and not in Common Law, like yours. Here we just have trials like your movies in criminal cases and only if the case attempted against a human being life. It is so funny to hear all this myths about lawyers in USA because this myths also have in here.


can u make a video about what wannabe lawyers should do in high school?


Lawyer that's one step to being a politician
