The Widening Gap Between the World’s Rich and Poor | Global Super Rich

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As countries like Greece and Spain struggle under massive debts that are impoverishing its people, the elites around the world are getting richer and richer. This report looks at the ever widening gap.

"There are customers that have all the way up to 100 vehicles in their garage." Torsten Muller-Otvos from Rolls Royce tells us. Each one costs about half a million and last year Rolls Royce sold more cars than ever before in their 100-year history, but then the luxury industry knows no crisis. Since 2009 the rich have become on average 6 percent richer.

So while one in six Americans now has no health insurance, Manhattan's 58 billionaires have gotten richer. As Manuel Koch points out the ratio of return expected by the rich has totally shifted, "People used to be happy making three million profit. Today companies like Apple account for 6 billion profit. That's profit! Not turnover." But despite their greater income the super-rich aren't too happy about the idea of their tax loopholes being closed. In their minds they give back, even if its not through taxes.

"I know a lot of rich friends who have charities...when they reach a certain level they give back to the community. So I think less tax is always better than too much." But as the world struggles through a financial crisis and the globe-trotting elite continue to grow wealthier, there's not much evidence they have their communities interests at heart.

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All the billionaires of the world can end homelessness poverty and hunger, Those same billionaires would still be very wealthy afterwards.


Yes, it’s definitely becoming much more apparent. It’s just not right.😡


Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 19:24 ESV


Throughout history there have always been “ The haves and the have nots “ there just appears more because there are more people on the planet, anybody living an average life will be looked upon by many other people in poverty stricken countries as extremely wealthy, it’s all in relation to what you have..


That Tuchman dude could be an Einstein impersonator.


The fact that he states at the end of the video actually made my stomach turn. Why would anyone ever need that much money?!


Same time we’re being crushed to death by taxes and cheap labour coming into our country

The middle class is evaporating


idk why people think they are entitled to others stuff


What you fail to point out is that the poor are getting richer and have a better chance than any other time in human history.


I have been saying this for years. Not millionaires anymore but billionaires


This yr here in USA my party (Democrats) tried to raise taxes on failed...this might lead to revolution in time


I'll never be rich I love giving too much. All I want is a nice house on acreage I literally don't need anything more. I could easily become rich if I sacrificed and lived with alot less for a few years. But what's the point of millions upon millions. Sure a million will be nice to leave to family which I hopefully will accomplish. But once you get into billions wtf do you do with billions


In a world where money is being printed everyday, and wealth growing in endless ways, how can the problem be the rich getting richer? Since Growth seems to be the order of nature, Isn't it a better idea for those who have less to also take responsibility and find ways to grow their wealth instead of pointing fingers at those who paid the price and are now living the life they desire!?


This people need to be on the dinner table when we eat the rich 🍽 theyd better enjoy it now!


I worked and saved ans scricficed and will mot share with the lazy on benefits. Thats my story.


Well what are you going to do about it


I may not be "rich." But, I have Yeshua, as my Lord and Saviour; which I'll take over money every time! Most rich people won't make it to eternal life 🤔😬😭. But, also most poor people need to get off the lounge, stop being the victim and do something about it...


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