West Coast Swing Basic Steps - WCS Beginner

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In this video we teach you how to dance West Coast Swing Basic Steps and give you a new way to think about taking west coast swing lessons.

In truth, learning the west coast swing basic steps is as easy as learning how to dance west coast swing in only 5 basic steps.

If you can dance the west coast swing left side pass, sugar push, rolling pass, the west coast swing the west coast swing whip, and wcs wrap in and out, you are 90% of the way there to becoming a good west coast swing dancer!

Too many people complicate the west coast swing basics by learning a bunch of patterns such as the sugar push or the west coast swing whip first rather than learning the true west coast swing basic steps which are more conceptual than learning the concepts of how to west coast swing dance itself.

Anthony and Rose Lewis of X Dance are full time professional country dance instructors as well as offering beginner west coast swing lessons through advanced wcs.

We will be traveling to cities across the country teaching country dance bootcamps! Check out our travel schedule and get workshop tickets here:


#westcoastswing #westcoastswingdance #wcs
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This is helpful by simplifying the 5 parts. The fact that the five parts can be mixed in different ways is really interesting. I have wanted to learn to dance formally for over 20 years and finally made up my mind to pursue it. This helps. I also really appreciate the fact that the finished look of the dance has a lovely elegance. Dance is an amazing tradition that really inspires me. It seem for centuries, all generations had some way of organizing movement to music. What a great way to spend time and play together with a partner.


This video is fantastic. Most teachers are afraid to give away the "treasure". Anthony and Rose are introducing WCS for the masses.


I have been taking lessons for 2 years and have learned more in this video than in 2 years. Lightbulb moments agogo. Thank you.


As a dancer of other styles, I can note that in this video it is immediately clear that the follower has a frame, the hand does not hang, the dynamics are in order - a very positive difference from many other videos.
An a big plus - here you can see human plastic and not as usual something from hustle from which the my eyes are bleeding(sorry if you like hustle dance or discofox) - here I can only say - guys, this is really good stuff, respect for what you are doing!


This is the way to get an immediate subscriber. Great job teaching. Clear and concise without being TOO SLOW. Thank you so much.


Wow! This guy is the best Western Swing teacher I've come across on the internet! So clear and simple and looks so sleek!


Wow, light bulbs were going on in my brain all through this video! It was super clear and totally simplified the overwhelming variety of WCS moves that I've seen


I like this video on West Coast swing.I have being taking lessons at Arthur Murray dancing for a couple of years .But you show me in 14 minutes the easy way to learn.Thanks for the simple approach in dancing .


as an experienced lead in other styles, this concise breakdown was very helpful, and gave me the confidence to go out for a night and try some things. thank you.


Y'all are so graceful and these instructions are nice and clear.


I teach WCS and I find your explanations very simple to understand, and very helpful for beginners. Some students really struggle with WCS. I'll suggest they watch your video !


Your energy and passion are inspiring. Exactly what most teachers are lacking today. Not just in dance but in a variety of disciplines. Keep it up!


Thank you, that was simple enough. I came across this dance just scrolling through you tube and loved it! I'm determined to learn if my 54 yr. old body will let me. I really wish I could have more "hands on" to learn and the competitions look fun. Thank you again, I guess I'll use my kitchen chair for my partner. I'm gonna have fun doing this!


I have watched a lot of basic WCS video's and I have to say yours is by far the best. Thank you so much for posting.


You made it look so easy. I picked up a couple of moves that I am going to surprise my dance instructor with next week


I am a Lindy Hop dancer (been at it for over 2 decades). In March of 2020 found myself in Saigon, Vietnam where I decided to chill while the rest of the world was being ravaged by COVID. Social dancing in Saigon is fantastic (my main reason for staying here, not the COVID nonsense), especially the Latin scene. To my surprise Saigon did not have a WCS scene. So... I started one. It's very new - not really a scene yet - for now just trying to teach a group of dancers who hopefully will become the core of the scene. I've done some WCS back in Chicago (where I'm from) but I am hardly an expert on it, let alone on teaching it. Your videos are tremendously helpful - in both understanding the dance itself and understanding how to teach it to others. Thank you so much. Cheers.


This is the MOST amazing way to teach this! Ive been dancing for years. Two step, waltz, and many line dances and Ive always wanted to learn West Coast Swing but Ive always been too intimidated. I feel like I can go out to the country bar tomorrow and try this out now! Thank you!


I saw a lot of this living down in Memphis, TN. Gonna give it another go, now that I am retired and my Mrs. and I need to have some stand out moves, ha.


Very, very, helpful. Clear steps. We enjoy WCS.


There's so much information packed into this one video. I learn something new every time I watch it. Thanks!
