Playing through There can only be one (Pendulum Magician Vs Subterror)

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Maybe he should not have chain Maxx C on top of his trap lol. If he let his trap resolve first I won't be able to use Gamma effect which won't give me another monster on the field.

This is the time I'm glad I'm playing the Odd eyes variant as I have a bit more Dragon monsters



Tags: #遊戯王 #PendulumMagician #Subterror #Pendulum #Magician #PendMagi #Pend #Magi #Master #Duel #Performapal #Yu #Gi #Oh #YuGiOh #There #Can #Only #Be #One #ThereCanOnlyBeOne #Flip


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Game: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
Platform: PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Steam, Android, IOS
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