The Limestone Enigma

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Why doesn't anybody ponder the LIMESTONE Enigma anymore?!
The limestone blocks of the pyramids were protected by the casing stones for 4,000 years until just 300 years ago. If the oldest limestone quarries (also 4,000 years old) still show their chisel marks, then the limestone blocks of the pyramids should definately still show theirs. --But they don't.
00:00 - Intro.
00:48 - Quarry Illustrations.
01:22 - Quarry photos and pyramid blocks photos.
03:22 - If not local limestone, then where are they from?
03:48 - Always keep an open mind!
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Building with limestone it is best to use lime mortar. How is lime mortar made? Limestone chunks are heated to drive out all the moisture and carbon dioxide to leave quick lime. The quick lime is is then mixed with water, approximately a dustbin of water to one bucket of quick lime. The water boils in 30 seconds leaving a pure white lime putty that can be used as a paint or mixed with coarse sand and limestone dust to create lime mortar. As lime mortar hardens is absorbs the carbon dioxide that was driven off by the heat in the first phase thus it is a carbon neutral process. Sold blocks of lime stone can be cast using the mortar. Various additives to the mortar can change its properties, for example the whey from butter and cheese manufacture in creases the durability and hardness of the mortar. Is this a possibility for creating the building blocks of the pyramids?


Sadly I've gotta go with the geopolymer theory, at least for many of the ancient formations. They aren't melted, just mixed and show the same signs of outer corrosion seen in every other megalith that used this technique


It was poured like ciment into molds. That's why the fitment is so precise!


With millions of blocks moved. If by river. I would think someone could find blocks from boats/barges that sank or tipped over somewhere along its course. I'm thinking many more than one.


Its three to four repairs. The stones underneath with clean cut edges are another generations finished pyramid. You must have seen the entrance, with the nice neat limestone finish it was covered up.


It is possible that they had an additional process to smooth the sides of the blocks. It would be necessary to keep the blocks tight without mortar. The chiseled surfaces could not achieve that. I personally believe that the chisel marks are too uniform to be done by hand. Blocks may have been poured somehow. One of your pictures showed a quary with blocks where the spaces cut out between did not look big enough for a person chiseling to fit between. But I know nothing. Peace!


I still haven't found a Nub on any of the interior masonry. Plenty of Nubs at Menkaures and the Queen's pyramids exterior casing stones. There must be 100, 000 blocks on show and no Nubs.


On a six sided block, the chisel marks would be on only two sides. The remaining sides would have been cut by splitting the block using wedges and water. Consequently the two chiseled sides could have been placed on the top and bottom where they would be hidden with the mortar. As to the casing stones, these would have been sanded and polished. Still, it is interesting that there are no visible chisel marks visible. It's hard to imagine that they would sand the chisel marks off of each block. What I find interesting is the courses of the pyramid. Egyptologists say that the inner parts of theses courses were slapped together haphazardly and cemented in with mortar. I can understand this in terms of the horizontal axis but the vertical axis must have been set to a specific height for each block. Otherwise it would have been near impossible to drag a block across the course to its final position with blocks jutting out vertically from the course below. Another interesting question is what determined the height of each course. Using cubits, palms, and fingers of the Egyptian measuring system, there doesn't seem to be any relation to the actual course heights which vary considerably in the Great Pyramid.


Now, this calm man points out to things others don't, and without saying too much and without repeating the same bs others keep on repeating endlessly that is why the video is enjoyable short, I like it, I subscribed because of it... I want to see more smart free videos to me like this one... thanks thanks thanks.


The best part is there will never be an answer to this question. Lost to time. Fitting really.


Could the blocks have been dragged earlier producing the smoother edges. Then when technology caught up to easier moving methods showing tool marks?


2:23 That's an interesting picture. Is that an actual picture from the limestone quarries in Egypt? Those groves look too precise to be chisel marks? Too symmetrical...has anyone measured those striations?


They ground the limestone and then used it to make geopolymer. The geopolymer was then cast into blocks. There has been an ancient Egyptian recipe found for said geopolymer.


There are several ways to cut limestone rock, other than cutting it with a chisel and hammer. I see that the first 11 rows of blocks in the khufu pyramid are molded with geopolymer and from there upwards they are roughly cut and smaller blocks. It is very likely that the cutting method was with a sliding saw with a copper blade without teeth, using a hanging and tilting system. Greetings


They had to be finely fitted to hold water, that’s how they raised them, on water in lochs coming from the Nile, the outer casing stones were placed first, they had to fit that close together that they would hold water back, the blocks have been cut, perhaps with wires, and waterwheel, lathe, water jet, or perhaps a cold laser device, or they simply got to finishing the sides closely with grinding and polishing etc, then they used floatation bladders attached to them to simply push them along to the first loch.and then raise them up into place by raising the loch, just like they do today in certain places.


Good Point! I've watched many videos on the Giza Pyramids, but NO ONE has EVER brought this up before!


Just another Great observation that experts can not answer!


Tina at the Curious Being channel has an interesting theory about this. It might be an ancient mining operation.


As to where the limestone was quarried the chemical composition of the stones should match the quarry site.
One thing about bronze all most all people do not know. In the early 1900s there was a company founded called Ampco in Milwaukee. They specialized in Bronze alloys. Primarily Aluminum Copper* alloys. This one reason that such alloys are commonly referred to as Ampco. The very first product they brought to market was a line of cutting tools that were a bronze alloy (all bronzes are really copper alloys, I'm using bronze to distinguish bronze from brass) that was meant to cut steel. This was an improvement on the standard high carbon steel cutting tools used at the time. Just what the alloy was I don't know. But I wonder if the Egyptians had accidently stumbled on a way to make a higher grade of copper based alloys for tools. A recipe that was since lost. Most if not all of the tools would probably been recycled into other uses.
*Regular Bronzes are a mix of Copper and Tin with other elements added for different wear properties. Aluminum Bronzes have no tin. They are alloys of Copper, Aluminum with Iron, Nickel and other elements depending on the characteristics needed in the alloy. Also at normal temperatures Copper based alloys are a face centered crystalline structure. Meaning any allowing elements are centered in the faces of the crystal. Steel is the same way. But once at the temperature needed for hardening it shifts to a body centered structure. Meaning the alloying element is inside the crystal. Rapid cooling forces the alloying element to stay in that crystalline structure. This is why you can harden steel. Copper based alloys work the same way.


All the blocks came from underground, When they built the great underground city of Egypt all the spoils were arranged in the most efficient way possible to store spoils. There are many other underground city's that have no trace of were the spoils went. If they keep the Pyramids a mystery, we won't question the great hall of records under Egypt.
