5 Abilities That *NEED* To Be Removed From Overwatch 2

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00:00 Ability #1
02:01 Ability #2
03:27 Ability #3
04:46 Ability #4
06:30 Ability #5
07:59 Honorable Mentions

#overwatch2 #OverwatchGuide #Overwatch
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i like the idea of making hogs heal more team oriented instead of making him immortal (outside of nade) but he needs hook, its his whole identity.


Sombra main here: diverting power to her machine pistol just makes her purple Tracer. The fundamental fantasy of the character is sabotage support DPS. Her toolkit should revolve around that playstyle.

I've no idea what the best way to fix this is. Maybe rework hack to lock out the first ability someone presses within 4 seconds (for 3 seconds) but allow all other abilities (and still cancel abilities currently in use, passives, etc for 3 seconds).

Maybe Sombra can do this more subtly, revealing herself and having an animation, but no sound and no screen animation on the victim. That way the victim has to figure out they've been sabotaged and press an unimportant button to trip the hack early, foiling Sombra's plans. (Or teammates can spot it happening and inform them: "Moira Sombra hacked you")


Hinder nade is the only one I care about removing


If Cassidys MAGNETIC grenade or sombras hack isn't on here I'm gonna flip a table


Funny how 3 out of 5 of these are Support hero abilities


Honestly it isnt difficult to make discord a balanced ability, the only problem is tanks so it should get the sleep dart treatment. Only 10% hp reduction for tanks


Yeah but these kind of abilities keep heroes feeling unique


Power Block. Not cause its broken. But because it completely conflicts with the identity of his character. You're slow when your using it and its just a bell for the enemy team to hear when they need to stunlock you. They've also built empowered punch around his entire kit and even then its a mid ability that can be easily countered by any cc cool down, healing, or movement ability in the game. Not to mention you can just...you know. Not shoot his power block and he won't get it in the first place.


all Australian heroes need to be removed from the game


Regarding anti nade there's a fair amount of skill in the mid-fight rotations required to make the most of it.

So if it's replaced, it still wants replacing with something that encourages sneaky flanks.

Maybe instead of current effects, it could just increase damage and healing from Ana's Biotic Rifle.

She'd still want to flank so people she hits with it have less chance to take cover from her.


-Make discord a skill shot on cooldown
-Put mercy beam on a resource meter
Everything else is fine


Sleep dart and nade for how easy they are to use and how impactful they are


I’ve always said they should look to give Bap a different ult and give zen window at maybe 25% amp on a cooldown instead of discord. This will allow him to be more team centric


Discord is ridiculous, the nerf it received with range reduction is a double edge sword it made zen have to be closer to enemies and versa for enemies, but majority off the time the tank will be up front and with the range nerfed it feels more inclined to only discord tanks. I don’t feel the nerf fixed what the main problem with zens discord orb.


It’s interesting how all of these are support abilities….almost like the role is super strong lol


how did immortality field moira dash and hinder grenade dodge this list


my idea to rework zenyattas discord orb

I feel like having abilities that amplify dmg in overwatch 2 can be really broken, there's one less player so obviously kills matter even more and it's way easier to get killed given theres one less tank to stir attention away from you, so having enemys kill potential be boosted by an ability with no cooldown that requires no mechanical skill can feel very oppressive, so if dmg amplification is a problem then how about dmg reduction??? what if both zenyattas orbs were projectiles on cooldown?

the discord orb would work the same way moiras necrotic orb worked in beta, when hit it would apply an effect on the enemy that would make them deal less damage, I feel like in zens case it wouldn't be as oppresive as in moiras case given he cant heal himself and can't fade away, it would also allow him to survive flanker duels more often and give us opprotunity to throw away that stupid melee passive

on the other hand harmony orb would be a projectile that if hit would apply healing effect but also a damage reduction effect on people who have it, basicly people would recieve less damage when they have harmony orb on

I feel like those changes would give zen highier skill ceiling, while also giving him some interesting utility to work with

the only problem I have with it now tho is that if both of his orbs were on cooldown he would have no way to passively heal his teammates the way other healers do, he would need another ability or a passive that would allow him to heal, maybe a weapon swap like in lifeweaverscase? he could switch from orbs that deal dmg to orbs that heal allies? or maybe a passive similar to brigs inspire? just throwing some ideas here


My top 3: Hinder, Invisibility, Resurrect.


Why not just delete Overwatch alltogether and play CS instead?


the solution to mercy damage boost is giving it falloff. It nerfs ashe, pharah, etc; i.e. the problematic ones, and if they compensated by unnerfing her movement, she would actually be able to play up close which is infinitely more fun
