Standard Template Library (STL) - Set, Map and Unordered Map

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In this video, we will introduce Associative/Unordered Containers and talk about implementation of Set, Map and Unordered_map in C++ STL. These containers are controlled by container itself and generally have a key-value type implementation. Set and Map are based upon Red Black Trees while Unordered Map is based upon hashmaps.

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---------------------------------------- About Demux Academy --------------------------------------------------

How many great decisions did you make when you were 22?

Don’t remember?

We’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say 4. Finally free from the despotism of your JEE days, maybe you chose to go to a university to flex your intellectual muscles and chart a path toward societal revolution.
Or maybe you wandered a bit too far from campus and got a little more familiar with the local political scene than you’d care to admit. Either way, we are talking about people who got somewhat better from Sharma Ji’s son but later fell behind Verma Ji’s son.

The lucky few get it right, totally nailing their major and landing a dream job out of college.

For the rest of us, we take what we can get, hope for the best, and work from there. As people gain a bit more career and life experience, some realize what they started in their early 20s isn’t always what they’d like to continue doing forever.

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