SFNode Meetup: Fervor - my attempt to fix full stack development - Parris Khachi - 2018-06

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Fervor - my attempt to fix full stack development

If you're anything like me, you have a projects directory on your computer with dozens of projects you've started an abandoned. Each one of them experiments with different architectures, and by the end of each of them you've only barely scratched the surface of the actual problem you were actually trying to solve. Meanwhile, at work we all feel like coding is slow and yet we want our layers of abstraction to work the right way. Fervor is my attempt speeding up the monotony of development, CRUD style endpoints should be free, react + universal rendering + good performance + a decent routing system should be free, and none of your data should belong to vendors. I wanted a no frills, no BS framework that just lets me get to the heart of side projects.

About Parris Khachi

Parris Khachi, Director of Web at Brigade, Formerly at Eventbrite (and a brief stint at Famous), Author of various npm packages (iz, fervor, dorsal). Was "myspace famous" in college because I was in ska-rockabilly band.
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