February, 22, 2001 - A liminal playlist

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School was canceled because of snow today... Life is good.

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I miss my mom. She passed when I was 14. I'm 23 now. Everything felt so much more alive when she was around. I hope I see her again some day.


I found an old photo of my parents and 3 year old me taken in 2001 and I was brought to tears by how 20th century it looked, the way we were dressed, how it was staged, our facial expressions. My memories of back then are so hazy, I feel like I've lived 10 lifetimes


It’s that feeling you hit in your life where you’re thinking “oh damn, that time really is gone” with all that’s left of is photos


Born 1993, when I was around 5/6 me and my family had to move to Germany, Osnabruck because my Dad was stationed there for being in the British Army. We stayed there until 2001. I can honestly say from what memories are still there in my head, are the best years of my life. If I could just relive those days, just for a few hours, I would be so happy.

I spend hours crying happy/sad tears on Google Earth Pro with the time machine of the maps. Seeing my old Primary School before it was demolished. Seeing the Army barracks my dad was at before that too was sadly demolished. Seeing my old childhood home which I haven't seen since we left 23 years ago.

It's even more saddening with how Germany's privacy laws are. Google Street view is practically none existent. So the buildings and the streets I fondly remember are mainly just these pixelated resemblances of buildings that I still vividly remember from my childhood but I can't see how are now or was a few years ago. I only have what I remember, and the odd remnants of videos here on YouTube which is extremely lacking and rare to find

Thankfully some time last year, Germany finally lifted those privacy laws for Google Maps Street view and i finally got to see my home again for the first time since we all left way back in 2001. I will be honest. I've never cried so much in such a long time. It was harrowingly different everywhere i looked around Osnabruck but I could also see things that haven't changed at all.

The walks we went on, the Warner Brothers Movie Theme Park down south near Dorsten. Pony rides in the woods and picking the oldest one there who was called Boris. I picked him all the time because he liked to eat the grass a lot which made the ride last longer so I could spend more time with him. The little & big lake walk just behind the Nettebad. The traditional Christmas Markets in the town centre. Playing video games when my Dad finally came home on my Playstation 1, we would try and beat the games in one day but never could because I didn't have a memory card. Getting excited whenever Pokemon was on the TV. Friends round mine to share the big swimming pool I had.

Watching Halloween Town before going out trick or treating. Finding our first ever pet, a kitten abandoned behind a grit bin while we were on a bike ride and taking her home, we named her Millie. So many memories. All lost to time. With only old VHS tapes & photographs to try and relive those memories at least just a tiny bit.

Oh what Id do just to go back to those days. Nostalgia is such a beautiful but cruel mistress. I hate to love it and love to hate it. I Miss you Osnabruck. I miss you childhood.

But. I have a baby daughter now. And I honestly can not wait to be the best father I can possibly be. And to make everlasting memories with her that she can look back on and smile just as much as I do looking back at the ones I made with my Mum & Dad.

Oh Germany. Oh Osnabruck. Oh childhood. You were the best of days. I'll revisit you one day. With the whole family hopefully.


Youre living in a time right this minute that you will one day feel nostalgia for.


I was born in 1993. The late 90s to mid 2000s were my glory days. When I came home from school, I sat down and watched Arthur and Dragon Tales and then go outside and ride my bike around the neighborhood. On days off school or vacations, I would watch Nickelodeon shows, Dragon Ball Z, and play The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker and Metroid Prime on my Gamecube. And the movies back then were amazing. We had Rush Hour, Shrek, Spider-Man, and the whole nine yards. That period of time really was a vibe.


Timestamps (Name-Artist):

0:01 - nevermind, everything’s okay - dreamcorp.

3:21 - mice on venus - C418

5:57 - six fourty seven - instupendo

8:00 - snow world - yume nikki ost

8:50 - warm nights - Xori

10:30 [m i i m a k e r U] - plasmama

12:40 - school rooftop - hisohkah

15:54 - fallen down - undertale ost / toby fox

19:18 - a1 its just a burning memory - the caretaker

23:33 - backroom labyrinth - oliver buckland

26:25 - greetings - pilotredsun

29:55 - the insides of tears - oliver buckland

32:27 - toad’s turnpike - mario kart 8 ost

35:33 - flying - oliver buckland

38:59 - comfort chain - instupendo

If you see this, have a great day or night, and remember, you are loved.
- Pey <3


Played this song while I was walking in some really dense fog this morning. Felt like I was out of bounds or something


In 2008 there was this big storm that knocked our fence over and we didn’t have power for a couple days. Instead of watching TV, we listened to my mom read us All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot. We lit candles for light. I just thought I’d share that. Thank you.


The 2020s are so bad that the 2000s have become a long ago golden age in comparison


It’s interesting, I used to find it weird as a kid when people glorified the 90s and couldn’t stop trying to relive them and now as an adult I do the exact same to the early 2000s. I guess im finally old enough to understand this level of nostalgia now.


I was born in 2007. I’m an adopted son to parents with children born in the late 80s and early 90s. I have a good connection with my siblings so I almost feel like I lived in the time of their childhood. I’m feeling nostalgia for times I’ve never experienced.


I was born in '95 so I grew up in a totally different time than now. Sitting here at 2 am and wondering where the times have gone. The people I grew up with moved on with their lives or became long distant memories. Just in a blink of an eye, everything goes by so quick. This playlist really brings out memories of me growing up with my grandmother in a small quiet town. I remember the carefree times I would be playing with my cousins or sitting out on the grass in the park nearby her house watching sunsets every now and then with her. I want to see her one more time, I miss her so much. Just painful and somewhat bittersweet memories.


I think your early 20s are a very weird time for nostalgia. I think you can feel nostalgia much younger, but right around 21/22 I think is the first time you become truly reflective, looking back on earlier years of your life with the sudden realisation you have lived through, experienced and remember different eras of time. Before then I think you are so busy with being a kid/teenager and growing up, everything is new and exciting. At 23 for myself I now feel like life has changed beyond recognition since the 2000s and realising I am old enough for the first time to actually look back at different time periods within my own memory is staggering


R.I.P. 2000-2016 Goodnight sweet prince


Reminds me of when I was in junior high and after school I would plow through my homework as fast as possible so I could call my best friend on our land lines, and we would create google docs full of pictures we found on google together with our shared email. The sound on my home desktop was broken so she would often play music on her end of the landline and it would come through all grainy but I could get the gist of the beat, we'd talk about warrior cats books together, make up stories together. I still have our old email, and all the google docs of pictures from back then. I miss those times, the world feels to complicated these days, everything is so high strung like some sort of looming threat I can't see is going to swoop out of no where and rot away everything I see. I would give anything just to go back to the days where even if I was bored out of my mind, the world was still something exciting to me.


31 year old checking in. A lot of folks pine for the time period in which I grew up and wish they could use a time machine to relive it or experience it for the first time. I do feel nostalgia for parts of it, I can’t deny it...but I don’t miss it. My home life was terrible. I’m happy to be here now, safe in my own home with my found family, where I am free to make my own choices and live my life without being abused. I can make the best years of my life happen _today._


2001 was a time when both my parents were alive and together, my brothers all still lived at home, none of them having gone down the dark paths they've taken since then....

This picture really brings me back to my childhood house in Royal Oak, Mi during those dark winter nights...


I’d give anything to wake up in my bed a little kid again back in 2001. Those days are getting so far behind me that they almost feel like a dream that I woke up from. How could I have know I was living in my happiest and most carefree days? I would have cherished every moment because it would over before I knew it


These are the minutes of the songs in case you want to know:
(sorry if i have bad english, im using the translator)

1- 0:01 : nevermind, everything's okay
2- 3:20 : Mice on Venus but extra nostalgic
3- 5:57 : Instupendo - Six forty seven
4- 8:00 : Yume Nikki Ost - Snow world
5- 8:51 : Xori - Warm Nights
6- 10:29 : plasmama - [mi i ma k e r U]
7- 12:40 : School Rooftop [Slowed down version]
8- 15:54 : Undertale - Fallen Down [Slowed]
9- 19:18 : It's just a burning memory [Slowed + Reverb]
10- 23:33 : backroom labyrinth
11- 26:25 : Pilotredsun - Greetings
12- 29:56 : the inside of tears
13- 32:27 : Mario Kart 8 - Toad's Turnpike [Slowed + Reverb]
14- 35:32 : flying
15- 38:58 : Instupendo - Comfort Chain
