Every MUSIC PRODUCER Needs To Do This

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Most of us spend the majority of our time organizing our project files, opening up plugins, and setting up groups when creating music so that we can easily automate this process and benefit. In this video, I go over the one thing everyone that makes music should do right now; Create a Template. Creating a template will take roughly 20-30 minutes but will save you hours within the first year.

Creating Audio Effect Racks!! If you always process your bass/leads the same, why not just have an effect rack you can use with dedicated macros? This doesn't mean you must process the same, but it helps with time and speed.

Organizing your samples is another uncomplicated thing to do to save time and produce faster. If you are a Sample junkie like me, this one can save you half an hour. If you drink a cold one on Fridays, why not drink one while finding your diamon in the trash?

Finally, COMMAND+F or CTRL + F For ableton USERS is a god send when looking for specific files. This allows you to quickly search your whole sample pack library without any folder subdivisions.

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What I also like to do is put three EQs on the master, each one covering ONLY lows/mids/highs. I then map a command to toggle these EQs on/off, this way I can preview the different bands easily. And also it's generally best to move fast when producing so you can pick which sketches work and which don't ;)


As an avid Fl studio user, I really appreciate this video.


You should use return tracks, because you will automatically use less reverbs. That will make your mix cleaner from the beginning. It took me years to get that. If you have two or three different insert reverbs, they will all play at the same time and of course sound muddy. FL studio users have a big advantage here - because they have to use return tracks.


I have to admit it, I'm the rainbow template guy😁


Thank you Zen.Switched to Ableton around 2 weeks ago and really needed such shortcut ideas.


Im getting clever at this with Live intro threshold at 16 tracks and 2 returns. Drum racks FTW!


i agree! im a new producer, only been at it for 4 half years now, but making templates for the genres i like, was the second thing i did, after arranging samples into a logical database. always good advice from you, i appreciate and look forward to your vids. thanks for all you do. btw, i really dig your new tune !


Great ideas to improve the workflow! Thanks for this video.


I love templates, but it's worth bearing in mind that they can be taken too far.
Sometimes it's better to save a useful rack that you can bring in if you need it, rather than a) having it slow down the loading time of your template, and b) having it lead you down the same path every time and make you feel like you're in a rut.


Damn from the picture I thought you figured out how to install ableton on my phone lol. But great info as always. See you on Thursdays roast 🤪


Are you ever going to release another “drop midi tool” for different genres?? I remember a few years back you released one for g-house if I remember correctly. Been watching your channel for a very long time!!


2:31 sorry but that's not the case, Return tracks are limited to 12 in Ableton
You haven't used return tracks all that much if you haven't hit this limit, generally I use at least 4 returns just for 1 Vocal line, so I run out pretty fast


Didn't know you was on Spotify, definitely following


1:03 lemme save you some time, my guy. Right click on the group and choose the last option to automatically apply the color to all tracks in the group. 🎉


eggplant for limiter😝 btw I stopped using khs plugins.I used to like them a lot with my old mac but now it gives me a problem with m1 each time. slate also is giving me issues verifying each time. or maybe because of my ilok. I dont know whatever the problem is I m just done and I ll cancel my slate subscription at the end of this month and subscribe back in a few months to see if they solve all these. I think plugin companies need to invest in making sure their devices work properly and smoothly cause there are so many replacements.


bro 6:43 my eardrums were ruptured by an extremely high pitch noise


Where to see how you do the VOY track or the plots, please links


Dusky Careless on Serum and Alchemy pls pls pls pls just a quick one.... spent the last decade trying to


What I've learn from the video : Put Eggplant on the bass🍆


Someone got mad at you for using a vocal sample which is pretty much there to be used?? Oh the audacity 🤣
