Triumphant VICTORY Affirmations /// I AM VICTORIOUS /// Alpha Affirmations

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This is apex mindset for champions of the INVINCIBLE SUN. Positive solar programming for a consciousness of relentless TRIUMPHANT VICTORIES. Bring the Olympian LIGHT with supreme POSITIVE GLORY.

The background music is Stay Strong by Henrik Henrik Lindström, licensed through Artlist.

© August 17, 2021 Alpha Affirmations
Materials copyrighted; if quoting, please properly credit Alpha Affirmations.


Winning victory, triumphant victory.
Above the wind breaks the Valkyrie's high and holy song.
Riding on wings of triumph, the battle goes to the strong.
The azure blue of the sky, and golden like the sun.
Glory be to us the winners — and dominion and joy and infinite power.
Glory and power. Glorious power.
Warriors of the vivid light. Bright skies and snowy peaks.
Heroic apex champions, winning victory. Triumphant victory.
Sweet victory. Soul-expanding victory.
Holiest Divinity embodied in Victory.
God of Strength, God of Power, God of Glorious Victory.
Spirit of Triumph, always by my side.
The perfect flame, the solar ray, that kept me purified.
Higher and higher heights of victory.
Almighty, glorious, highest apex of victory.
Triumphant solar victory. Perennial fire bringing immortal light.
I am a warrior of the solar light. I triumph heroically, in solar strength.
I am a light-bringer. I am purely solar virtuous Triumphant Light.
I conquer from above, with only my ancient Promethean fury,
and the memory of the Beloved in my heart.
I triumph joyously on waves of lightning.
Blood of ancient heroes pumping through my veins.
Heritage of solar light.
Valorous, heroic victory. Valiant, righteous triumph.
I stand at the summit. I stand at the apex.
I manifest victory. I manifest destiny. I manifest triumph.
Will to power. Will to victory. Will to Triumphant Victory.
I am a champion glorious triumphant winner.
I am relentless triumph.
I achieve triumphant victory by conquest.
I am absolutely triumphant.
I am always triumphantly victorious.
I am tremendously triumphant.
I was born to triumph.
I was put on this planet for one thing: glorious triumphant victory.
Heroic exultation.
Golden immortal heroic triumph.
I am a golden triumphant hero.
I achieve epic victory.
I am an epic champion.
I win like a glorious demigod, famed among heroes.
I triumph like a golden-helmed Aesir with a battle axe.
Strength, power, triumph, victory.
Triumphant victory. Triumphant victory.
I am amazingly triumphant.
I am living triumph.
My life is a triumphal victory march.
A glorious victory procession. Victory is mine.
And glory is my privilege. I am impeccable.
I am the Solar Champion, the Man of Triumph.
Best-loved by the pantheon. In me they delight.
My experience is triumphant.
Everything I do is triumphant.
I am a triumphant person. I am triumphant energy.
Expanding triumphant energy. Triumphant expansive Light.
Fiery triumphant energy. Glorious, righteous energy.
Winning victory, triumphant victory.
Invincible conquest, championship victory,
glorious golden triumph. Immortal triumph. Eternal triumph.
Never-ending total righteous victory.
My life is an epic adventure of triumphant glory.
I am the manifestation of Victory's glorious nature,
I am affirmation of the All-Father's supreme victorious will.
Triumphal, heroic victory. Sacred, exquisite victory.
Holy and bright power of light. Diamond visions breathing fire.
Harmonic consciousness alight. The force of creation, burning bright.
I go forth as a hero of the Solar Light.
I ignite the eternal flame with the words 'I AM VICTORIOUS.'

#supremesolarity #triumphantvictory
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Just after a glorious lifting session and finishing a good nature video the Gods bless me with Triumphant Affirmations
Thanks bröther ⚡⚡


Man I needed this today. Today I pushed past my limitations, and broke my own records. Eternal victory to the apex champions!


I got a couple tennis championships coming up for my leagues so I’m listening to all these and will update with results first championship is tonight at 6


God damn it. That crescendo at 10:20. This guy is an artist.


Always perfect timing! I've had some trouble the past few months due to events out of my control.. but I kept faith and can finally see how all these bad things happened to push me into a higher vibrational timeline.. I can see the finish line.. I can see victory! And these affirmations will help me smash though the rest of my obstacles t reach my dream life!


I am a girl and I m so glad that I found this channel


“Just in time for me to shine” thank you!!!! 🙏💯🧠❤️🤝


So good brother you're doing amazing work with these. Impacting an equivalent population of a city of absolute gods


This helps me break through barriers to face everything


i love you man, your affirmations penetrate my solar plexus


The Infinite Presence & Power Of Creative Cosmic Consciousness (aka God Almighty) Works WITHIN Me, THROUGH Me, & AS Me, For TRIUMPHANT VICTORY—In ALL Areas Of My Life! 💪🏽👑🚀✨💫


"El Cid" sculpture, Burgos. Spain.


Love your content, keep creating it.ALWAYS VICTORIOUS !


My 🐕 listened to this, now he's a fire-breathing 🐉


I am proud to see "El Cid Campeador" (Brugos) as image for this powerful audio. Thanks for your amazing work.


Hey, what happened to your tutorial payhip link? I would love to create my own affirmations as well. Your YouTube channel inspires me. And I want to innovate. Anyways, thank you.


Can you make a video on accepting your past and forging ahead with relentless ambition? Also would you mind sharing your personal spiritual beliefs?


A good idea for a video would be to compile some Cus D'mato/Mike Tyson quotes and affirmations, that would make be amazing


Glorious, but i wouldn't expect anything else.


You should make a holy warrior one.. something like Gods Soldiers
