Escaping the Trap of Casual Christianity [FULL SERMON]

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Did you know that Half-Hearted Obedience is Disobedience?

Be honest - do you treat God casually without much thought or reverence? Is your relationship marked by flippant shallowness versus deep intimate awe? Do you obey only when convenient or seek to glorify Him with all that you are?

In this convicting yet uplifting message, I share hard but necessary truths about the forgotten fear of the Lord.

God deeply desires close friendship with us, but it requires that we rightly fear and honor Him. Are you treating the Lord as commonplace? Join me as we remember why our awesome God deserves our awe and wholehearted obedience. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! Rediscover this lost gift today by Escaping the Trap of Casual Christianity

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0:00 - Intimacy with God
4:52 - Fear of the Lord
18:29 - You Should Hate This
18:52 - Personal Story
23:49 - Jesus Delighted in This
28:28 - Friendship with the Lord Is Reserved for These Type of People
36:32 - Protection from God
39:42 - You Are My Friend If…
41:10 - Closing Prayer

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One who has the fear of the Lord
1. Obey God instantly
2. Obey God even when it doesn’t makes sense
3. Obey God even if it hurts
4. Obey God even when you dont see a benefit.
5. Obey God to completion.


I have been basking His presence for the past 10 months! It feels the same I felt when I first met Him. I don’t ever want to be without out Him ever. 🙌🏽🔥


"The Fear of the Lord is to be terrified to be away from Him." John Bevere


Please keep my wife n I in your prayers!! We are 3 months back on rent. I gotta good job Toyota but lost it a week later cause I failed the gpc training. Then I was doing door dash, Uber delivery and spark but our car just broke down then a day later later have body aches soar throat fever and coughing. Please just keep us in y'all's prayers thank you!!


I’ve noticed that many churches, including many mega churches, no longer teach, or disciple, their congregation to spread the gospel. It’s all about entertainment, and keeping people in the seats. Nowadays, people are more concerned about losing their, “inside the sanctuary coffee privilege”, than actually telling others about Jesus. Here’s the truth – – if you don’t tell other people about Jesus Christ, then you don’t have the Holy Spirit.
If you don’t receive the gift, the way the disciples of Jesus received it then you will never have the boldness to tell others. You’ll just be another victim of implosion Christianity led by comedians and entertainers. Seek the boldness to share Jesus—the time is short— let’s bring some people to the party in the sky!!!!


oh how i wish more preachers taught the fear of GOD, i love your preaching


Anyone reading this, if you haven't repented yet, please REPENT, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND.
Lord Jesus✝️have mercy on you🙏


Thank you Pastor for reminding us regularly the importance of the fear of GOD and intimacy with HIM.


True! Proverbs 9:10: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." It's when you fear and revere God that you get wisdom. Christianity that doesn't emphasize this doesn't have God's wisdom.


What awesome testimonies about the Brazil trip!


God is always the initiator. It is always God's GLORY first. He is the one that is knocking at our hearts door first. Yes, we have to choose to open the door to God. BUT, it is God, always, that gives us the opportunity to make Him Lord, because it is His strength, His provision, His revelation, His protection, His salvation(HIS GLORY) that makes it possible for us to choose Him. This is so very important distinction in this truth. Bless you


The fear of the Lord is a beautiful thing and He loves you


Take every thought captive. Make sure I’m everything at all times you make your decision with a heart toward God.
Helping someone? Make sure your doing it draw them near to God and doing it to show the love you have from God.
If you go to church, help people, speak great things, do really awesome service for people, volunteer for everything, and your doing it for perception of the people you are helping to make your self look good. Your reward has already been paid.
Do everything out of the love and fear for the Lord.
The last thing you want to hear in the end is: be gone from me I did not know you.


You made me notice how I don't have fear in the lord thank youu🙏


This was posted 5 min ago and was the exact thing I needed to hear, truly believe God led me to this video as I’ve been praying praying for weeks now trying to understand what I’m doing wrong like, why my soul feels downcast, why I’m spending time in His Word but not feeling His presence. I literally just read Psalm 19 just now and was pondering over it, just yesterday I was praying about how I want to fear the Lord more. This is the message I needed to hear at God’s perfect timing. Thank you.


I live a life without any accomplishment sulking thinkhin but no matter how i think its always a dead end i went to church only when im stress depress and forget about it when im well and happy it goes on like that calling him when i need him praying but forget about him when im well .but this time i can feel the difference please pray for me for i want to seek him pray for me so i wont give up untill im with him🙏🙏


Thank you Pastor, the Holy Spirit is speaking to his people 🙏🏽


I love the Lord, but also am terrified of being without HIM, this is part of what leads us to repentances, and being constantly delivered from our sin, and our past, and old spirits and curses. … I just heard, “read Psalm 23, ” … I am so thankful the Lord loves me, too!! 🕊️
All glory to God! So happy I found this channel today!! ❤❤


Thank you so much for helping us build our relationship with God! May god bless all of us!


God gives us the desire to draw close to him .
