How to Save Baby Sparrow

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Hand feeding baby sparrow,How to hand feed baby sparrow,Baby sparrow,How to care baby sparrow,Feeding baby sparrow
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Just weaned a Sparrow. She can't be released because her leg was broken and she can't use it. Now we have a bird flying around our house. We love her. Her name is Frankie


बहुत अच्छे से देखभाल करके, इसका जीवन बचा के आपने बड़ा काम किया, अब तो ये आपकी पालतू, घर की सदस्य जैसी हो गई . 👌🏻👌🏻


I found one years ago without a feather on it - it was that young. I rang around, looking for a bird expert, on what to feed it and got told to crush up an arrowroot biscuit with milk and use an eye dropper - did so and fed the sparrow for weeks this way until it grew up enough to start eating other bits and pieces. That little guy had the run of my home and used to try and roost in my hair at night - I had to put him on his little perch before turning out the light. Every meal he'd fly over to the dining table, perch on the edge of my plate, and work around the perimeter, sampling the food like it was a smorgasbord. Every time I'd go to the fridge for a coke it would dutifully fly to the top and sit there and wait for me to give it a cap full - it loved coke! I also could never leave any stray paper money lying around or he'd steal it, fly up to one of my bookshelves, and try to make a nest with the money. I have so many fond memories of that sparrow! Only years later was I told that you shouldn't give a sparrow milk as they're lactose intolerant - didn't seem to bother my little guy. :)


Ahwww...! They are so sweet! I just raised 3 at my sisters school where she teaches found the nest Falken from a tree after high winds..they just hatched..ufortunatly could not be relocated and watched so she brought them to me as I m the family animial rescuer..started them also with a pure weat and maize porridge called pronutro with added vit and minerals with an added vitallife shake powder with added enzymes.. they florrished! Eating every hour to 2 hourly..they became strong and grew feathers soo quickly.. I tried not to imprint on them as I don't keep as pets..they are wild birds..but..with sparrows they still accept u as part of their family group..t
I took them out to our garden in the back where we feed the wild birds daily so they could learn to fly and mingle with the wild group of sparrows..and fed them silkworms and rolled oats as well as their porridge mix until they started eating the garden bird mix with the wild within 2 weeks from their fledgling stage I let them be out the while day no gage to roam and discover and learn..then a week later they could fly from low bushes to shrubs and take dirt baths, birdbaths and sunbathing! I could watch them be free for hours..then as they found safe spots to hide and sit in and flew higher I left them out for the night on a late spring nite to climatise so by the on and off for a week they were happy..they still come home chattering at the window and sliding door for the porridge and to just interact with me ..they turned out to be 2 females and one male and is now part of a family group of 6..the one female already paired up with a wild male and all if them even get fed by the wild male..they all sleep in our malbury tree just outside the room..I'm soo happy! They still come flying in and sit on my shoulder to chat and pec at my ears and lips and whenever we are outside gardening or hanging washing they are all around us even the wild ones playing close by! My motto always..if u love respect and care about nature it will be returned to u in sevenfold! Xxx


😢😢 Cât de emoționant e că cineva cu suflet bun mare să hrănească micuța păsărică care e drăguță.Un mic suflețel hrănit din bunătatea unui om cu suflet bun!😢😢☺️🥰🥰


Miarą człowieczeństwa jest to jak traktuje się Zwierzęta. Brawa za pomoc małemu bezbronnenu ptaszkowi. Dużo zdrowia i szczęścia.❤🙂👍


I saved birds on 5 occasions, and it felt so good to watch them fly off when they got well ! Even saved a skunk once, it's head got stuck in a glass jar and was suffocating ! It went well and I did not get skunked !


помню, когда учился в школе, нашел гнездо. как тогда казалось, брошенное.
принес двух птенцов домой. и каждое утро, в 4 часа, вставал чтобы наловить им мух и гусениц.
через пару недель птенцы подросли, и начали летать.


I’ve raised a few birds from babyhood. One in particular, a house sparrow, that was thrown out of his nest, because it was born deformed. I picked him up and put him in an incubator and then a nest. I fed him baby cereal and protein. He couldn’t fly. I named him “Peep.” He lived to be nine years old. It was a very sad day when he passed.


Looks very similar to the baby finch we rescued after it fell from a tree and we couldn’t find the nest. Her actions are so similar, pecking, chirping, playing with tissue. She stopped the dropper feeding herself after it tapered off for a few days. Now she eats a finch blend along with greens, bananas, papayas, rice, nibbles on fudgsicles. Such a joy she has been to raise. We are Mom and Dad to her.


Acest puisor a avut sansa sa fie.salvat de un om cu inima buna care la alimentat si la ctescut mare.Dumnexeu sa te tina sanatos 😊❤


I loved to see that the bird recognizes you and is not afraid of you !


God bless you gentleman. God will reward you for taking care of this little bird 🐦.


Amo estos animaltos y los que asen esto de ayudanrles dios los bendiga 😮


Grande eres persona, gracias Dios te bendiga por lo bueno que eres cuida a los animales🐵🐔🐶🐷❤❤❤❤desde España🇪🇸 saludos y abrazos


You are doing a great job. I just want to request to all don't put the birds inside the cage, let them free... love from Nepal🇳🇵♥️


Krásné stále hladové miminko❤ děkuji za video.. nádherná podívaná 🍀🙏🌞❤🤗🍀


Adorable. J'ai vécu la même expérience il y a quelques années de cela, avec un bébé tombé du nid. Ca a été un très bon compagnon durant de longues années, intelligent et bienveillant avec son entourage. Il avait été adopté de toute la famille, chien et chats compris. Son départ a été une grande perte pour nous.




Very nice! I have experienced growing a 2 days old kitten (from roadside) to a fully grown Cat.
