Breakfast Webinar: Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network

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Emily Vail, Hudson River Watershed Alliance, and Jessica Kuonen, New York Sea Grant, presented on the Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network. The Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network (FRN) connects local governments who are committed to taking actionable steps to manage current and future flood risk. Re-launched in 2023 with a new Strategic Roadmap and expanded scope, the FRN provides regular programs for municipalities and regional partners to network, share information, and partner on opportunities, including Climate Smart Communities actions.

Links shared during the presentation:

Hudson River Watershed Alliance’s fall 2023 breakfast lecture series focuses on water and watershed-related Climate Smart Communities case studies. Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The CSC certification program includes a wide range of actions, and municipalities can receive points for many different types of water-related projects.

This program is organized by the Hudson River Watershed Alliance in partnership with the Hudson Valley Regional Council, and supported by funding from the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with NEIWPCC.
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Can you please share a link to the Matrix that shows the overlap of CSC with water initiatives?
