Queen Elizabeth II's coffin moved to Westminster Hall to lie in state | full video

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King Charles III and other members of the royal family participated in a ceremonial procession as Queen Elizabeth II's coffin is moved from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on Wednesday. Members of the public will be able to pay their respects in the next four days ahead of the state funeral.

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Thats one of the most beautiful choirs I have ever heard in my entire life


Eyes all around the world watching my little country to see how we do things, I'm very proud to be British


I always love history specially about Queens and Kings from Europe and be able to watch this is very touching Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II


PSALM 139. The music when entering Westminister Hall. BEAUTIFUL!


Funny how they keep saying "American's watching this are waiting to see Harry" lol no... We don't care about that nonsense, we are watching this for the Queen, like everyone else.


Rest In Peace Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and Rise In Glory! #QueenElizabethTheGreat ...


This is the British Tribe starting the burial of our leader. We have been doing this since we were Anglo Saxons. 🇬🇧💐


you people gave a remarkable coverage of this world class event. congratuluations to you all as a great team being very informative and paying so much respect for the event


There are times when tv announcers need to just be quiet and let the people watch the ceremonies.


As soon as I saw those soldiers, I cried my eyes up they are professional soldiers, but they were all on the verge of tears it was the most moving thing that I have ever seen. That’s how much the Queen meant to us. She was a constant in all of our lives and 95% of the population have never seen any other Monarch on the throne. We knew this day was coming, but we never believed it would happen. You may be gone your majesty, but you will never be forgotten! 😭😭


I think the best sentiment to sum up the Queen, having thought long and hard about it, is that they say “Heavy is the head that wears the crown” but Queen Elizabeth made it look as if it were not only light but easy to wear it. That isn’t to say she never struggled or had hard times, it’s obvious there were many lows for both the Queen and her family but the institution as well. However, she always seemed to take it in stride and hold her head high, no matter how weighty the crown was at that time… she never showed the stress or fatigue of the massive expectation and demand on her.


The talking through this is most disrespectful.


Our deepest condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

May her deeds and worship be accepted by the Almighty God


God Bless The Queen. RIP Your Royal Highness! Job well done.


This is a Psalm from The Old Testament, written by another King, King David. The Queen must have read the Psalms of the King throughout her life. The Psalm describes how close God was to mankind from the beginning. God appears not only as the creator of the vast world as a whole, but also the maker of every single person living on it. It is God who formed man in the womb. God appears as the omniscient and omnipresent, who knows each individual and affirms them as wonderful.
God appears as the omniscient, the incomprehensible, omnipresent-supra-spatial, almighty Creator. It ends with David's total turning away from all ungodliness and surrendering completely to God, trusting in His ability to lead him into eternity (which might be why it was chosen for this occasion)
Especially verse 5 (You surround me from all sides and hold your hand over me.) and verse 9 to 11 (If I take the wings of the dawn and stay on the outermost sea, your hand would lead me there too and your right hand would hold me). The Queen surely tried her whole life to embody Christ, which is why she is so beloved and respected. This reminds me, when the followers of Jesus were contending which one of them would be the greatest in the kingdom, Jesus answered them: "For who is greater—the one seated at table or the one who serves? Surely, the one who sits at table. And yet I am in your midst as one who serves." By this the Queen surely has aimed to live her life.


Beautiful... with the Scripture reading and prayers...the choir's sweet solemnity 🌷


I remember seeing Queen Elizabeth II in person back in 2015 when I was in 2nd grade, I can't believe she passed away


Although I’m in mourning for The Queen, I’m extremely proud to be an Englishman right now!
God Bless The Queen🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🌹💕


What beautiful music at westminster hall RIP Queen Elizabeth the second. x


Queen Elizabeth II is not just a londoner she was our monarch of not only the 4 Isles of Wales Scotland England and Northern Ireland but a advisor leader and diplomat. I object to the reference that you have made, it reduces the contribution of a life's service around the world to a celebrity who performed a part.
