500m Bareback flatout gallop on Horse!!

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EDITED 08-5-2015 : Due to Lots of people calling me an American and a Yank, Im actually Australian or Aussie if you prefer. just thought id mention that, and also please refrain from commenting on "OMG you dont were a helmet your so stupid!" please guys its my life and my choice I knew the risks i was taking when this video was made in 2013. this video is only here on Youtube for your enjoyment so if you dont like it dont watch it. ^_^

me and my 14'2 hh brumby mare, doing a 500m sprint being clocked by the car, it was amazing she held a speed of 62km/h and was still going at an even pace after 500m and it still felt like she had more to give, i wasn't going to ask her for it though as we ran out of straight track and i needed time to stop, for such a small horse my girl has amazing stamina and enduance, and when we pulled up she wasn't even breathing heavy, and no shes not 100% fit but thats just her born to run, its her fav activity, and she always gives more when shes raceing someone haha so proud of my lill girl,

If you have any negative comments about my not wearing a helmet It will be greatly appreciated if you kept them to yourself ^_^
so please comment wisely, all comments that are not approved will be deleted U SAVY!

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Your seat is LEGENDARY. teach me your ways, i beg you.


I used to run my horse bareback like that when I was in middle school. It's absolutely terrifying, but it's also a truly thrilling and awesome experience. I've always loved riding bareback, but my patient mare is a little too old and bony for it now. (:


Oh for fuck sake all of you give it a damn rest with your helmets and saddles and crap.
Now I'm speaking directly to the girl in the video, Sweetheart, you are amazing! There is no other way to ride than just having you and the horse, no saddle, no helmet, just you two flying at the speed of life. I absolutely love this video, I have ridden and rescued horses for 18 years and can't imagine a world without them. Screw everyone else thinking they know anything about you, your horse or safety. Not everyone cares to strap their horse down with a saddle and I say Amen to that! Your horse is absolutely gorgeous and you two together are such a gorgeous spirited team. Kudos to you, mate. I tip my hat to you both. Have you ever clocked a speed for your beautiful horse?


Having horses is dangerous. That is why most of us like them. They give you peace and adrenaline at the same time. Christopher Reeve was wearing a helmet. I have been thrown off with and without helmets. I have also been kicked (6 broken ribs, lacerated liver). Haters let people ride how they want to ride and what makes them happy. Half you people couldn't stay on like she can! You go girl!


people actually think she would just jump on a random horse and take off? no ! they have a bond and you can very clearly see that !


you're an amazing rider. don't let people tell you that you aren't. that was an amazing run!


nothing says freedom ... like galloping out in the open land on your horse! love that feeling. enjoyed your video! fun music, great horse, gorgeous land ... I could watch that horse run all day long!


This is so amazing and beautiful.. no words. Shed a few tears as I desperately miss galloping on my quarter horse gelding. I can feel the adrenalin and thrill just watching this. Thank you for posting.


Girl, the delight on your face. That mare. I love this video- its the ultimate, exhilarating feeling between a gril and her horse. Thank you so much for sharing with us!


When I was young we all rode around bareback. This is so refreshing and nostalgic for me! Bless you and thank you! I remember the first time I saw two youngsters riding western with helmets. About the time helmets for bicyclists happenec, too. I know safety matters...but losing our innocence and love for living life to the fullest matters, too.


Absolutely gorgeous! From an artist's perspective I don't think any gait is as inspiring to behold as the full out gallop like this - so much power in every stride!


Holy crap I thought my horse was fast... nope wow! That feeling when you get into full speed is amazing it makes you feel free and powerful you know? I seriously think its the fastest horse ive ever seen!


I LOVE it! I'm sitting down to write a screenplay (a Western, don't laugh) and I needed to watch some videos of horses at full gallop AND BAREBACK and this one did the trick! I learned English saddle (in Texas of all places) as a girl and ended up getting two horses of my own: a fiesty ex-barrel racing AmericanQuarter/Arabian mix named Sierra and a super bossy, albeit super mellow, giant Appaloosa named April. My limited experience in a Western saddle came with some trail rides in Big Bend and I felt comfortable at canter and limited gallops, but they weren't fiesty ex-racers like Sierra. When I started riding my own horses, April was a gem in the saddle. She was patient while I figured out the differences and changed my mindset and commands from English to Western. Sierra, however, got pissed and dropped me a few times. I wasn't used to her break-away speeds and stopping on a dime and it scared me a bit. What I did find, though, was that we worked well bareback and could get at full speed and slow down just fine (vs me going head first over her). We had many an adventure riding the ranch... bareback, of course lol. So this video brought back memories and got the blood pumping to put that feeling on the page. Happy riding!


Love your horse, love the choice of music, and love the video! This may be 2 years later, but praise is still nice to recieve, albeit late.


What joy! Great image as truck finally catches up... green background, dark horse, your red shirt and your hair flying. wooHOO!


Running like that is the best feeling ever, isn't it?! :-D Brings joy to the soul to work so perfectly with another being...especially one as beautiful and inspiring as a horse. Most people will never know that joy and many people cannot appreciate the long hours and hard work that it takes to mold a 1100 pound free spirit into a friend and partner...but I do ;-)
High Five, girl :-) That was a great ride and I'm glad you were able to get it on video. Thank you for sharing :-)


I had to convert to MPH to find out how fast you were going.. so it comes out to 38.5 mph for us USA folks..  I had a Palomino Quarter horse x Tennessee walker gelding that I raced bareback along side of my brothers on motorcycles with speedometers- he ran at 45 mph on a harvested hay field for about a third of a mile. (500 meters is the same as a distance of 0.31 miles)
I was 15 horse was 4.  He was a hell of a horse - RIP Shannon aka Filbert Albert Delbert..


Amazing!! Pure talent to run that fast bareback. Good job!!


Native Indians rode their horses without helmets or saddles. Horses prefer no tack, they can feel your movement better and connect with you a lot easier. This video is beautiful you are both amazing <3


That's beautiful. I wish I was you. I think that's real horsemanship right there. >.<
