The British Mandate in Palestine: Regional and Global Contexts - Greetings - David Harel
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The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities takes pleasure in inviting you to attend an international conference
marking a century from the start of the Palestine Mandate
The British Mandate in Palestine: Regional and Global Contexts
Monday, September 11, 2023
David Harel
Pesident of the Academy
Margalit Finkelberg
Vice President of the Academy
Opening Remarks
Liat Kozma
Former Israel Young Academy Member, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Billie Melman
Academy Member, Tel Aviv University
Comparing Mandates: A Global View
Ruth Ginio
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Glass Houses and Empire: The British and French Mandates in Africa, 1914–1946
Michael D. Callahan, Kettering University
British Rule in Palestine, the Mandates System, and the Global Color Line
Nimrod Ben Zeev, Tel Aviv University
From Colonial Policy Studies to Development Studies: Japan’s Pacific Mandate in the International Discourse
Tomoko Akami, Australian National University
Borders and Landscapes: Peripheries, Regions, and Empires
Motti Golani
Tel Aviv University
Making Borders from Below: Female Cross-Border Infringements along the Turkish–Syrian Boundary, 1926–1946
Jordi Tejel, University of Neuchâtel
Great Expectations: Oil, International Corporations, and Imaginaries of Modernity in Mandate Palestine
Shira Pinhas, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Progress in the Levantine Countryside: Agrarian Development under the British and French Mandates in Palestine and Syria
Basma Fahoum, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Shifting Sands: Mandatory Environmentalism and the Making of the Modern Coastal Plain in the Southeastern Mediterranean
Dotan Halevy, Polonsky Academy, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Educating Mandates: French, British, and German Perspectives
Ami Ayalon
Tel Aviv University
Comparing Systems: Lebanese Perspectives on French, British, and German Educational Institutions in the Mandate Period
Esther Möller, Centre Marc Bloch Berlin and The Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz
Local, National, and Colonial Criteria: Standardized Testing in Britain’s Middle Eastern Mandates
Hilary Falb Kalisman, University of Colorado Boulder
Wishful Thinkers: Egyptian, Iraqi, and Palestinian Pedagogical Reformers during the Interwar Period
Yoni Furas, University of Haifa
Planning Urban Spaces: Transnational and Local Histories
Mustafa Abassi
Tel-Hai College
Writing ‘Colonial Urbanism’: Architects vs Urban Planners and the Imperial Idea of Partition
Shira Wilkof, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Planning the Qasba: Imposing Colonial Lines on Indigenous Societies – The Case of Lydda
Tawfiq Da‘adli, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Young Academy Member
Between Mandate Authorities and Local Communities: Impoverished Neighborhoods in Palestine, 1920–1945
Elia Etkin, University of Haifa
Social Policy: Administrations, Governments, and Networks
Chair: Abigail Jacobson
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mirror Images? A Comparative View of Social Policy in Cameroon and Palestine under Mandate
Kenneth Orosz, Buffalo State University
Between the Central and Local Administrations: A Local History of Public Health in Mandate Palestine
Ahmad Mahmoud, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Charity and Changing Social Networks: The Haifa Infant Welfare Association, 1924–1952
Nicole Khayat, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Concluding Remarks
Organizing Committee Members Liat Kozma and Billie Melman
September 11–12, 2023
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities takes pleasure in inviting you to attend an international conference
marking a century from the start of the Palestine Mandate
The British Mandate in Palestine: Regional and Global Contexts
Monday, September 11, 2023
David Harel
Pesident of the Academy
Margalit Finkelberg
Vice President of the Academy
Opening Remarks
Liat Kozma
Former Israel Young Academy Member, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Billie Melman
Academy Member, Tel Aviv University
Comparing Mandates: A Global View
Ruth Ginio
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Glass Houses and Empire: The British and French Mandates in Africa, 1914–1946
Michael D. Callahan, Kettering University
British Rule in Palestine, the Mandates System, and the Global Color Line
Nimrod Ben Zeev, Tel Aviv University
From Colonial Policy Studies to Development Studies: Japan’s Pacific Mandate in the International Discourse
Tomoko Akami, Australian National University
Borders and Landscapes: Peripheries, Regions, and Empires
Motti Golani
Tel Aviv University
Making Borders from Below: Female Cross-Border Infringements along the Turkish–Syrian Boundary, 1926–1946
Jordi Tejel, University of Neuchâtel
Great Expectations: Oil, International Corporations, and Imaginaries of Modernity in Mandate Palestine
Shira Pinhas, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Progress in the Levantine Countryside: Agrarian Development under the British and French Mandates in Palestine and Syria
Basma Fahoum, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Shifting Sands: Mandatory Environmentalism and the Making of the Modern Coastal Plain in the Southeastern Mediterranean
Dotan Halevy, Polonsky Academy, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Educating Mandates: French, British, and German Perspectives
Ami Ayalon
Tel Aviv University
Comparing Systems: Lebanese Perspectives on French, British, and German Educational Institutions in the Mandate Period
Esther Möller, Centre Marc Bloch Berlin and The Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz
Local, National, and Colonial Criteria: Standardized Testing in Britain’s Middle Eastern Mandates
Hilary Falb Kalisman, University of Colorado Boulder
Wishful Thinkers: Egyptian, Iraqi, and Palestinian Pedagogical Reformers during the Interwar Period
Yoni Furas, University of Haifa
Planning Urban Spaces: Transnational and Local Histories
Mustafa Abassi
Tel-Hai College
Writing ‘Colonial Urbanism’: Architects vs Urban Planners and the Imperial Idea of Partition
Shira Wilkof, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Planning the Qasba: Imposing Colonial Lines on Indigenous Societies – The Case of Lydda
Tawfiq Da‘adli, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Young Academy Member
Between Mandate Authorities and Local Communities: Impoverished Neighborhoods in Palestine, 1920–1945
Elia Etkin, University of Haifa
Social Policy: Administrations, Governments, and Networks
Chair: Abigail Jacobson
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mirror Images? A Comparative View of Social Policy in Cameroon and Palestine under Mandate
Kenneth Orosz, Buffalo State University
Between the Central and Local Administrations: A Local History of Public Health in Mandate Palestine
Ahmad Mahmoud, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Charity and Changing Social Networks: The Haifa Infant Welfare Association, 1924–1952
Nicole Khayat, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Concluding Remarks
Organizing Committee Members Liat Kozma and Billie Melman
September 11–12, 2023