Peter Frankopan: The Silk Roads. A New History of the World

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Peter Frankopan lehrt uns, die Geschichte neu zu sehen – indem er nicht Europa, sondern den Nahen und Mittleren Osten zum Ausgangspunkt macht. Hier entstanden die ersten Hochkulturen und alle drei monotheistischen Weltreligionen; ein Reichtum an Gütern, Kultur und Wissen, der das Alte Europa seit jeher sehnsüchtig nach Osten blicken ließ.
Frankopan erzählt von Alexander dem Großen, der Babylon zur Hauptstadt seines neuen Weltreichs machen wollte; von Seide, Porzellan und Techniken wie der Papierherstellung, die über die Handelswege der Region Verbreitung fanden; vom Sklavenhandel mit der islamischen Welt, der Venedig im Mittelalter zum Aufstieg verhalf; von islamischen Gelehrten, die das antike Kulturerbe pflegten, lange bevor Europa die Renaissance erlebte; von der Erschließung der Rohstoffe im 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zum Nahostkonflikt. So wird mithin deutlich, warum sich die Weltpolitik noch heute in Staaten wie Syrien, Afghanistan und Irak entscheidet.

Peter Frankopan, geboren 1971, zählt zu den profiliertesten jüngeren Historikern Großbritanniens. Er leitet das Zentrum für Byzantinische Studien an der Universität Oxford, an deren Worcester College er als Wissenschaftler tätig ist. Der Historiker hat sich auf die Geschichte des Byzantinischen Reiches und der slawischen Welt, sowie auf die Verbindungslinien zwischen Christentum und Islam spezialisiert und ist unter anderem der Autor von: The First Crusade: The Call from the East (2012) und zuletzt: The Silk Roads (2015, dt. Licht aus dem Osten, 2016).
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That's why I love teaching the International Baccalaureate where the global origins of knowledge and critical thinking are embedded in the syllabus.


This is a great talk. The history I remember being taught was the Battle of Hastings (they really made a big deal about it), Henry VIII, and of course WW2. I would have been much more interested in history if the school subject wasn't so Western Europe and British centric...


Very impressive historian. And very good points made for the age of brexit.


Reading his book right now and it is more enlightening than all my years of history classes in the us


So many tangents . Very smart tho . Thank you !


Sorry anyone knows the Russian film he is referring to...? Thanks


why he not mention silk road throw north china !?


Would there be a virus road? (in the time of coronovius)


Rhythms of conflict without the tempo of trade/culture is misleading. Mass murder in America's without an explanation involving disease's as the vast majority of deaths is factually wrong.Educators should all travel in their early years before developing confirmation bias. Another Fredrick Niche acolyte, echoing egotistical buzzwords unwittingly promoting global conflict. A wider historical view is always good but conclusion jumping based on current events is intellectually questionable.Whats more, it should be self-explanatory that the natural tendency of some Britons is to get stuck in the study of "The rise and fall of Empires" simply reverse linking historical mini bytes. Your publisher has a serious ego or questionable marketing skills involved in trying to hype a market (Your books Title) that has more of a conflictual history than the West combined. Nice guy but not an authority..


Very weak book. I'm very disappointed by his lack of information about Afghanistan and persia. There is not a single evidence about the existence of persian empire in persian history books and scripts. Persian empire has never ruled in Afghanistan. The other fact the today's persian language stammes from Afghanistan or the old Khorasan and Iran has always been part of Khorasan (Afghanistan) except the two dynasties (sasanid and safavid). Safavid is where iran got like indipendent after the fall of last great Khorasan empire, (Timurid Herat). Persian language stammes from cities of Herat (Aria) and Balkh (Bactria). As an Afghan I'm very disappointed about the fact that Iranians have brainwashed the world and also the less effort the world has put to find out what the truth is.