BC TechDays 2023 - What's new in cloud migration and upgrade

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Recording of presentation at the BC TechDays 2023 conference of 22 & 23 June 2023 in Antwerp (Belgium)

Title: What's new in cloud migration and upgrade

Presenters: Nikola Kukrika, Julia Lisovaya

Presented on Thursday 22 June 2023, 16:00 - 17:30

Note: This video was created by Nikola and Julia after the event, as it wasn't recorded at the event due to technical issues.
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The original recording from the event failed due to heavy rain in the Antwerp. The technicians were forced to shut off the equipment because of humidity that came from ventilation systems.

We wanted to share the content with you so we recorded the session afterwards from a meeting room. So if you are wondering why the audio quality is as it is, this is the reason why. We did not had time to make it better as we would like to deliver more features and have a video that is sharing the knowledge. If something is not clear enough, write on this comment here and I will reply.


Thank you for the sharing details.

One of our customer is using onprem version but they want to replicate data in cloud version on daily basis.

They are not going to add/modify any thing on cloud just for data analysis

Can we use this tool for the same to transfer daily updated data to cloud?
