【HATSUNE MIKU】Puzzle / CircusP

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There's so much waiting to be found 🧩

(Available on streaming services after 03.18.2022)
Song by Circus

Video by rice

Illustration by Eddie

Logo by MMairo

YELLOW EP art by Ibble

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If you're interested in some behind-the-scenes information on this MV, check out the Aftershow livestream featuring rice and Eddie!!


"Don't be afraid of the cliche, just let it all out anyway!"

Why does that hit me so hard-


"Take a big deep breath"
"it'll be alright"
"this isn't the end"
"this is just one night"

You may dont know but these are some powerful words that you could tell to someone that is passing through a hard time, its just so good the way the song put this, as a advice,



This is like Therapy: The Song, it's so touching to not only hear those words but to also see Miku, fictional as she is, struggling with her own anxiety and depression, steadily pulling herself back up again, visibly becoming brighter and happier over the course of the song. Every day is a step forward, another piece of the puzzle. Don't let the picture of your life be left unfinished and fractured, but don't worry about making it perfect either. Just piece it together bit by bit.


I don't usually leave comments, but its impossible not to for this song. I struggle with anxiety and depression, and even with meds I can struggle to keep everything under control. But when I was really struggling, this song played from my playlist, and just reminded me that it was all going to be okay. Thank you for making such a beautiful, touching song. You're helping some of us in ways you might not know!


The way the music talk to us about such a heavy subjects that people with psychological problems like panic attack, depresion, anxiety or even us that can suffer in a bad moment is just incredible, is a advice that just a friend or someone close could give, i am in love with this song.


Quality over quantity! This is why I have been a fan of this channel for many years! This looks awesome!


I have autism and you have no idea how much this relates to what I've been going through my whole life, the list slowly grows of what I'm proud of. I can't believe I'm able to say that I'm trying to be a neurosurgeon after working on the puzzle that is my life and the feelings that I have a hard time expressing. There's too much going on at once in every moment that just overwhelm me and this song helps me to remember to take a deep breath, take a step back from the overwhelming classes and studying of anatomy, biology, and so on and look at the stuff that I've been able to put together thus far. Whether I'll make it as a neurosurgeon or not is not something I'm super concerned about but the fact that this song reminds me to step back and look at what I've built so far is the most amazing thing I could've asked for. I wish this song got more views, it's so beautiful.


I'm going through a lot regarding my art and my progress, recently a lot of things have been talking to me for me to calm down and get my spirits back, this song spoke to my heart. I'm so happy to hear this song! Thank you very much!


Truth be told I was really burning out recently in this figuring-myself-out journey, like its so hard and I just don't know what I'm doing it all for anymore. After listening to this I feel like I can go on a little more, find a couple more pieces to make sense of it all. Maybe someday feeling okay and not broken.


this song hit me like a truck. the words are so simple, yet so powerful. "this isn't the end, it's just one night." sometimes I forget that. thank you circus-p, this song is so powerful, catchy, and beautiful.


this song made me actually irl just start crying...this song really just tells words i really needed to hear right now, and i treasure this song so much already, even just with one single listen. even if the lyrics are 'simple, ' they're much more than that
the MV progressing with the artwork gradually gaining form and color, and the artwork gradually having her smile return, they're details that really stand out and are so meaningful
and the song itself is so catchy and i love your tuning of miku eng as always!!! you're incapable of making a bad song, every upload is so good!!


(I'm sorry, this is gonna be an essay, I just want to say how much this song means to me.)

This song just feels so special, despite the simplicity. As someone who struggles with a lot of negative days, general anxiety, and things like that, yet also being an artist, this song means a lot. The overall happy tone, and the simplistic lyrics just give a boost of serotonin. This song just feels special to me from an autism perspective as well. I've always related the puzzle piece with my autism (Which is an outdated logo, I know, its just something that's stuck with me.) and I can understand this song from that perspective as well- learning though your autism, making note of what you learn, even if you have a bad day and a meltdown or something.

Eddie's art just adds to the charm of the song, and the bright colours just add more to it for both meanings. The paper texture and marker esc drawings add onto the feeling of it being about an traditional artist, and, I don't know. This song makes me happy, really.

Thank you again Circus, and everyone that helped out with this song!


Notice during the end miku transformed into the drawing she had made earlier what a cute detail


I can already tell her voice is going to be so good.


Somehow this goes full circle for me considering the first vocaloid song I've ran into in my life was iNsAnItY of all things and somehow you find a way to make a good song that has as much impact as that song. You're magic circus, keep it up.


Recently I saw a friend of mine with a pencil pouch that had this exact design for Miku on it with a puzzle background. I started singing this song and he lit up is was so cool


Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
As someone who does art I felt the lyrics of this song deep in my soul. Thank you.


Sadly missed the premiere, but wanted to drop into the comments to say good work! Song, video, and art are all beautiful :)


I feel like this song helping me feel vaiid with my feelings espically with my autism, anxiety, depression, , bipolar and ADHD. I'm struggling to accept myselft and hearing this makes me feel better.
