Questoris Knights Unit Review (Horus Heresy)

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In this video, I tell you all about Questoris Knight units in Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness.

I deep dive into the Questoris Knight options, and talk about weapon choices and how to get the most out of these towering war machines in your games of 30k.

Intro 00:00
Knight Rules Recap 00:43
Questoris Knight Basics 02:15
Knight Questoris Melee 02:42
Knight Questoris Guns 04:31
Knight Questoris 09:23
Knight Lancer 10:53
Knight Castigator 12:41
Knight Acheron 15:36
Knight Porphyrion 17:26
Mechanicum-Questoris Knights 19:55
Tactics 20:39
Summary 22:05
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While the knights themselves are ok, the household ranks are just as important, especially since with the 2-armiger-per-knight requirement for the Household force it's virtually impossible to make your points without them and they come with some decent benefits - a Cerastus Uhlan can move a staggering distance, an Arbalester porphyrion rerolls scatters, and being able to get WS5 makes them a *lot* tougher against melee units, especially anti-tank ones.


Terrible rules for great models. I dont care about the points more about how models are represented based on the fluff. They should be terrifying on the battlefield. Titan even should fear when in numbers.


Knights and locked combat:
"However they can not be locked in combat. Those vehicles or other units in contact with them outside the Fight sub-phase may freely move or declare Charges, and may target the Knight or Titan as part of Shooting attack."
Pg. 217 AoD rulebook


As usual for Heresy: rule of cool > rule of maths


I love the Melta Cannon. Vaporizing whole Marine squads is awesome.
Rapid fire battle Cannon will probably be good against all the guard, and Mechanicum bots.
The melee is good against vehicles and other Knights, which is a lot of fun.
Castigator looks like a ton of fun.
Atrapos is a fun unit for harassment.
Lancer is pretty meh, but looks neat, and can run up to stab tanks.
The big boys look fun.
Magera and Styrix are cool.
Armigers should probably have brutal on the chainblades.


I love the Porphyrion model, going to finish building it and take it as an allied detachment :D


The lack of Brutal on most melee weapons and WS4 completely ruins any serious melee build, but the shooting is quite decent. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by my Knight Crusaders, I have a pair. They are very Tanky against shooting and can hit back really hard with the right load out.


Thanks for making this, sometimes it helps someone filter down a book to some bullet points and talking through it for it to make sense.

Where is it explained what the Unit Type: Vehicle(Knight) is? I found the Armiger Sub-type with all its bullet points in the Mechanicum book, but not Knight.


Knights are just all around feel bad. Mainly because (and I know I shouldnt but..) you compare them to any Contemptor and they just look silly. I have 8 Cerastus, 3 imp/mech and an Acastus knight. I cant even field anymore of course but I doubt I will even take them out again.


The big issue to me for knights is lack of reactions. The rotor cannon is great because unlike it's other weapon options ( blast) can't be used in overwatch, but the rotor gets all 12, plus wall of death. Very handy.


Hi. Could I ask for advice on building an army up to 3, 000 points? So far, I've only been collecting, and I have a few knight models that I could use against my friend. I have 3 warglaive, 3 helverin, knight porphyrion, lancer, all mechanicus knights, warden, crusader and also Canis Rex, which I could also use somehow. Thank you in advance for your help!


Did you just forget the Household ranks and Armigers in this video? Seems to be pretty important given every Knight army will have them.


I like your overall discussion points. I also agree on the power of Knights. I do own one with Battkecannon and Gatling gun, which was build for 40k, and is sadly very weak as of right now. It feels more like something holding an army back instead of adding firepower.

I want to add this. If any unit is only good if played for fun, it is simply a bad unit. Imagine if all troop options would only be considered as something that would be played for fun. we'd have the whole troop tax discussion again.

Hate the player, don't hate the game. Power gamers will always find a unit or combo to abuse. Balancing an army; because Questoris should be the center of a knight list; around a subpar performance just makes it meh.


Woo-hoo, I have my knights packed up did not realize they were in mechanicum codex. 2 valiant/Castellon, 8 armigers, and 4 questellan that were built and magnetized with all weapons option for a painting challenge. Built, magged, and painted in one week then got put up. Never even glues to the custom bases and never put em on a table


Having taking a Porphyrion in a game recently, I can confirm that vaporising 10 terminators in a single shot and still having 2 more shots is incredibly satisfying. Definitely worth the points for the stupid grin you'll be wearing the whole match


Is there anyway to put night vision on a porphyrion?


What would a 2k list of judt pure knights look like to you


This is in my opinion, a good example of why the Brutal special rule is currently too powerfull and should be at least toned down if not reworked.
I mean for real: we are looking at weapons like: Str10 AP2 Shred, Str12 AP2 Sunder or Str10 AP2 Tempest, Deflagrate. How on earth can they be described as mediocre stats melee weapons ?Brutal (X) being the Top damage multiplier special rule isn't a problem in itself, but the simple fact that you NEED to have it so your melee isn't considered limited is a big indication that (IMHO) the rule is too much at the moment.
As for Knights, I think that if Brutal wasn't such a thing, their rule wouldn't be considered as disappointing as I heard people complain about. Their shooting is very Frightening by still having access to large blast with high str AP2/1 weapons, and while their melee took a big hit from the WS chart change, they can still cut through vehicules like butter. They are nowhere near the powerhouse they used to be, but Brutal (X) appart, I think they look fine.


So I'm new to 40K, but currently, I'm seeing that Imperial Knights have a 53.8% win rate in 2022 tournament play. Is this a bad showing for the faction?


I think the problem with giving these guys brutal they would curb stomp any unit they enter combat with. Which could make sense lore wise but not exactly a fun experience
