Flutter HTTP Request Using DIO | Flutter Tutorial | API request

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Flutter Dio
In this video, we are going to learn HTTP requests (calls API) and get data from API, and how to display it in the application.
1. Create a project using the flutter command
2. add internet permission into your manifest file for android
4. create a model for data handling I use the below URL to create the model automatically
flutter pub add dio
6. make sure that you have a valid URL for the API you can use the below URL for the test purpose
7 create a function for calling API request
8. use listViewBuilder to represent into the app
For more updates on technology and programming subscribe to our Code-x. If you have any questions then comment down in the comment box.
In this video, we are going to learn HTTP requests (calls API) and get data from API, and how to display it in the application.
1. Create a project using the flutter command
2. add internet permission into your manifest file for android
4. create a model for data handling I use the below URL to create the model automatically
flutter pub add dio
6. make sure that you have a valid URL for the API you can use the below URL for the test purpose
7 create a function for calling API request
8. use listViewBuilder to represent into the app
For more updates on technology and programming subscribe to our Code-x. If you have any questions then comment down in the comment box.
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