Philadelphia: No Love for the Homeless

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Last March, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter outlawed serving meals to the homeless in city parks, citing health concerns as the primary reason for the ban.

Chosen 300, a private charity with a mission to serve the city's homeless, is in the midst of a lawsuit against the ban. They insist that the new regulations are harmful to the homeless community.

"These laws are really designed to eliminate people out of plain view so that we can have this idea that the city doesn't have a homeless problem," said Chosen 300 executive director Brian Jenkins.

The ACLU, which sued and won a temporary injunction against the new law, said the real reason for the ban is to protect the city's image as a tourist destination.

The federal lawsuit will be brought to trial early next year and both the city and Chosen 300 are working to resolve the standoff out of court.

About 2 minutes. Shot by Joshua Swain. Produced by Amanda Winkler. Edited by Amanda Winkler and Jim Epstein.

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I still don't understand why the second richest country on the planet cannot find a home for everyone, there are far more empty properties than homeless.


The Philly government should pay people to escort the homeless away from the art museums and other tourist destinations rather than ban outdoor feeding of homeless.


This is pure disgusting. This Mayor 'Nutt-case' should be removed from the Human Race! Telling me/ANYONE "You can't feed homeless PEOPLE" is just insane!!!
Can you imagine a Cop arresting you for giving someone food? I would HOPE even the police would not enforce this insanity! Judge: "You are charged with the crime of giving a homeless person food".
When that day comes, Government is DONE!!


Wedging in between the homeless and charities that feed the needy is an absolute disgrace.


exactly - they want people dependent on the government. They are allergic to self-reliant people helping each other


As someone who works in public transportation, yesterday I had the displeasure of having to interact with the homeless on a regular basis and let me tell you there's nothing redeeming about these individuals. They live and behave like animals and pose both a public health and safety hazard. In short they're worse than rats and I say it's about time we develop a form of pest control to handle this nuisance.


So this is what "fairness" looks like.


You can't eat by yourself. It's illegal to be left alone. This is "public safety."


This one really struck a nerve. Wow. Absolutely sickening.


The real reason is because the homeless attack and harass people who visit these areas where they are handing out free food. If you've been harassed or attacked by the homeless you know the police will do nothing. So your only option is not go to where they are hanging out at.


Public authorities should be able to regulate the activities that take place in public recreational areas. My solution: Chosen 300 and other private entities should fundraise to purchase their own green space, a "private park" as opposed to a "public park". Presumably, within their own "private park" they can do anything they want. Go for it!


The first step in addressing the needs of the poor is to remove the derogatory label of the "H-word" and address people as humans first. The word "homeless" is no different than "nigger" or any other label that seeks to define an entire group of people in a negative manner based on misperceptions. Only when we seek to meet people on a human level and address needs individually will things begin to change.


Why would anyone think this is done in the name of the homeless??? Don't assume stupidity; assume malice. Then things will start making a lot more sense.


"We have to solve the problem not just move the problem"

You must be new here. Politicians don't solve problems. Period. They create them.


Sharing food with others is a natural right!


Can you just imagine walking down the street with a bag of half eaten Burger King, and a homeless man asking you for the bag of food. I've been asked this before many times walking down the streets of New Orleans. With this law it becomes a crime to give food to the homeless? So to all those that don't seem to get it: government is a delineating force and it takes away freedom.


I don't understand, why don't they just let them serve food in some other place then?


Invite a homeless person into your house for a meal – PROBLEM SOLVED – and another thing, how many people have fallen ill from supposedly unhealthy meals ? Another example of a government blundering into something simply because they think they know what’s best when often times they don’t. One example is of FEMA workers during Sandy relief ‘efforts’ being fed by Occupy volunteers.


The mayor's lost touch of humanity for his political gain. Disgrace.


Signs of a civilization in decline. The scope of this problem is much wider than starving humans. Eyes need to be opened wider.
