National Capital of Indonesia NCICD - Giant Sea Wall and Waterfront City DKI Jakarta

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NCICD History

With support by the government of The Netherlands, the government of Indonesia and Jakarta have been working together for years to reduce and prevent floods in the National Capital of Indonesia. However, the speed and magnitude of land subsidence is such that the need for a comprehensive strategy became clear soon after the 2007 flood. Between 2009 and 2012 the blueprint for this strategy was developed in the Jakarta Coastal Defense Strategy project (JCDS). The key approach would be that 3 lines of ‘sea defenses’ would be created over a period of 20-30 years.

In 2013 the JCDS project was followed up by the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development program (NCICD), taking the offshore solution as a starting point. The name of the NCICD program reflects two developments. Firstly the understanding that this is a project of national importance which also stretches beyond the city limits of Jakarta: measures in adjacent and upstream areas are also part of the strategy. Secondly, the insight that a project of such magnitude will have significant positive and negative impacts on the coastal zone, which creates the need for an integrated development rather than a civil engineering approach.

Up to 2014 a Master Plan will be developed, together with an implementing organization model and an investment strategy.


The safety of 10 million inhabitants and sustainable economic development of Indonesia’s National Capital is at stake. Indonesia needs to rise to this giant challenge in order to protect the Jakarta metropolitan area against permanent flooding. Despite the huge costs, the far-reaching implications, decision makers already have committed themselves to the program and the strategy, understanding that there a no alternatives but to abandon North Jakarta.

The NCICD program is ‘giant’ in all aspects. Not only a ‘giant’ sea wall needs to be constructed (over 35 km long, in waters of over 15 meters depth), but also water sanitation needs to be implemented in a metropolitan area that is already struggling with rapid urbanization on a massive scale. In the short term several thousands of households near the current sea wall and adjacent river embankments need to be resettled to allow construction of the short term flood defenses. Not an easy task in an already overpopulated city. Moreover there is a wide range of issues which will have to be addressed, like the future of the fishing communities and fishing ports, the mainport Tanjung Priok (Indonesia’s largest port), the three power stations on the current coastline and the protected mangrove sites.

A Program Management Unit (PMU) will be established for swift and effective implementation of NCICD. The PMU also addresses matching the huge financial upfront investments with the future returns from land reclamations and property developments. Finally the PMU will also address the organization of effective operation and maintenance and monitoring of the implemented measures.


The organization of NCICD reflects the national importance of the program: nearly all Indonesian ministries and Jakarta City administrative bodies are involved and work under the coordination of the Indonesian Coordination Ministry for Economic Affairs. A Program Management Unit forms the core of the NCICD organization, besides the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs including the Ministry of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), the Ministry of Public Works (PU), and DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

The government of The Netherlands provided funds to involve an expert team from Indonesia and the Netherlands consisting of over 40 technical, financial, urban and organizational experts and engineers from 5 of the major consulting companies in The Netherlands on water management, financial aspects and urban development. Most of the civil engineering work however is done by experienced Indonesian engineers, assisted by Netherlands water management experts.

The plan process is supported by leading Indonesian experts, both private and from the most prominent Indonesian technical university: ITB Bandung.
Рекомендации по теме

kalau ibu kota pindah ke kalimantan
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