Why Ben Savage Ghosting Boy Meets World Co-Stars Was Surprising

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Danielle Fishel, Will Friedle and Rider Strong share their reaction to 'Boy Meets World' co-star Ben Savage 'ghosting' them, in a new interview with 'Variety.' Ben's former castmates reveal that they haven't spoken to him in three years, but not for a lack of trying.
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I understand Ben is pursuing a political career as a Democrat, but he's not going to get very far if he's doing stuff like this. Boy meets World essentially put him on the map in the public eye, is meaningful to many people, and has resulted in an everlasting bond with his co-stars whether he likes it or not.

If he's willing to turn a blind eye to that, even though it would realistically only cost him a few hours total of his time simply sitting down and talking with 3 former co-stars, then why should he think that potentially thousands upons thousands of people he doesn't even know should count on him to represent them as a politician?

If it's because of his pursuance of a political career then he's already making political fumbles by being a ghost like this. Every move you make in a venture like that is a political move. Some of them a quite telling political move.


It’s a shame he really just ignored them like that, I didn’t realise it was that bad. I really would love if he could go on the pod for the official 30th anniversary in September. Just 1 episode or even just a little 5 min clip would be so special for the fans!


He pulled a “Mary Kate and Ashley” on them.


My theorly is he's mad at them because they are all close with Trina (the woman who played Angela) She came out about 3 years ago saying there were some racist things said and ALL 3 cast members apologized except Ben. Now they are all cool again and since then he's been nowhere to be found


It's the wife🤷‍♀️.
I had a best friend who was a man (I am a woman), nothing romantic he was my brother. We knew each other since we were 4. However, after he got married, he became distant and within 6 months he ghosted me. I found out from his parents it is because she did not trust me and she made him choose.
I should also note I am happily married and was married 3 years before he got married. My husband never had a problem with my friendship with him.


We still love you Ben. Cory will never be forgotten


With all the child abuse accusations & Ben launching his political career, it doesn’t surprise me that he’s moving away from them. However, to the best of my knowledge, nothing came out against Danielle. I don’t know why he’s estranged from her too.


When someone walks away with no explanation it’s either two reasons either they are too embarrassed to explain their reasons or they have tried to explain their reasons but no one listened.


He probably found out they supported Brian Peck


It's crazy because me and my wife were the Cory and Topanga of our school and named our son Cory. To grow up with someone and suddenly just walk away with no explanation is really shitty.


Listen, regardless of whether it's due to Politics or personal reasons some people just grow apart. Does it suck to get ghosted? Yes. Absolutely. But it happens. Danielle, Rider and Will are entitled to feel however they want. But they shouldn't dwell on this forever. It's not uncommon for people who used to work together to no longer be friends.


I’m gathering it’s due to his new political career. Maybe his team thinks I won’t look professional politically. Idk just a theory. But I do love that podcast though!


Maybe yall defending groomers was to much


My guess is it’s his wife. They started stated dating 4 years ago, but 3 years ago is when he cut everyone off. They just got married this year.
It makes no sense for political to be the reason. The whole world knows of his acting past and about his strong bonds with his old cast mates. It’s not like any bombshells are going to be dropped.

She’s probably jealous of the friendships. Maybe she felt left out when they were always reminiscing or maybe she thought he was too close with Danielle. I could be wrong, but that’s what I’m betting on.


This is such a shame I think Ben Savage is being very selfish and for him to do this to people who’s he’s known and grown up with for 30 years is very sad and disappointing


They were prob all bummed at first til they realized they only gotta split the bread 3 ways instead of 4 😂


I understand he’s busy and he’s focusing on different things in his life like being a politician but these people have known him their whole lives you don’t just cut positive people like that out there’s no excuse for it. Yes I understand people move on but he just simply stopped talking to all them. These guy’s have a history with him. It’s rather sad


Ben at this point where he is known for one role and in the end he probably hates that he is recognised as Cory Matthews like Adam West was only recognised as Batman and it's tough when you play such an iconic role that it follows you and no matter what else you do nothing compares to it.


Some people dont understand that the ghoster might have ghosted if he or she felt like the people he ghosted would not accept or understand any reason he COULD give for stopping communication.

Plus if he had given them a reason they might have run their mouths to the media about it so what was he supposed to do?

I personally ghosted a blood relative after years of trying to have a good relationship. It came down to me asking if we could have a discussion about some concerns and when my request was declined i asked once more.

The answer again was no. So I ended the relationship.

My guess is that the cast has SOME IDEA (maybe not the whole story) about why he ghosted but they wont speculate out loud.

Plus bens brother Fred was absolutely RAKED over the coals from colleagues accusing him of things. Its possible that watching Fred deal with that just made Ben want to keep a smaller circle.


He’s ghosting them because once they’re exposed about how they supported Brian peck, they’re career is over
