My Top 10 Strategy Games For 2024

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I am not including any projects I have personal stakes in because that would be a conflict of interest. This is just a list of games I am personally excited to play.

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If you're confused about any titles not being on the list: I am not including any projects I have personal stakes in because that would be a conflict of interest, and I am excluding games that seem to have fairly stalled development. Ideally the titles here will all be playable soon!


Thank you for the coverage! We plan on releasing some more videos showing off some new features relatively soon, since we've got a bit more of the Factorio-like logistics gameplay locked in, and we just added a prototype for a new dynamic lighting system, which allows the game to have fully 3D lighting and shadowing, despite everything being 2D sprites.

Also btw, we are no longer just a 2-man team; we picked up a third developer late last year.


Thanks for the coverage! We're thrilled to see Cataclismo among such incredible games. Also, we're super happy that you enjoyed the demo and our approach to the brick-by-brick building mechanics. Hope you like the full version as well ^^


Tempest Rising getting Frank Klepacki to do the soundtrack is the smartest thing I can think of if they want to capture that CnC feel. He's the John Williams to Spielberg here. The music for Red Alert 2 is still on my playlist a quarter century later.


0:29 Frostpunk 2
1:59 Stormgate
3:25 Cataclismo
4:56 Age of Mythology: Retold
6:23 Tempest Rising
7:56 Outpost Infinity Siege
9:18 Dust Front
10:03 Homeworld 3
10:58 Sins of a Solar Empire 2
12:47 Last Train Home
14:24 D.O.R.F Real-Time Strategic Conflict


I'm just popping in to reinforce that Frostpunk is an absolutely incredible gaming experience and that Frostpunk 2 is definitely my most anticipated game of the year. Something I notice is that a lot of people have games in their library that seemingly exist just to proverbially stress them out for extended periods of time, yet they'll find it enjoyable or even relaxing. Frostpunk is one of my personal favorites because you're just stunlocked in an evil video game Sisyphean loop of "Okay we were struggling, but I think our city is back on tra--" before the game throws the 47th consecutive steel chair at you, and I love every second of it.

The City Must Survive.


Hi, this is Team Ranger making Outpost: Infinity Siege. Thank you for the coverage! We've released brand new trailer with more game-play show and the exact launch date. Coming soon on March 26!! Hope you'll enjoy the game!!!


You're missing the biggest one... Beyond All Reason! It's an open source Total Annihilation / Supreme Commander style RTS in a modern engine that handles way more units and players. 8v8 is the standard match size and I have seen replays of 25 vs 25 players. It has 2 complete factions, at least one more in the works, and in it's current unoptimized state can handle 4000 to 5000 units without lag.

It's exactly what it says on the tin:
Beyond All Reason


I think we should include Sanctuary: Shattered Sun. Spiritual successor to Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander


Hi Grant! Commenting again because I am unsure if the last one was eaten by YouTube. Thanks for featuring Outpost: Infinity Siege, I am a moderator over there on their Discord, so if you want to get some more information on the game I can patch you through to the community manager if you haven't already!


With regard to the small dev team on DORF, ill say this: one of my favorite games of all time, Starsector, also is an indie game, and has 4 developers. When I got it it was a bit small, had its rough corners but also some really cool concepts. Now? It is an expansive, moddable universe with huge player freedom that feels smooth to play and is my all time favorite game. That took 10 years. So. The small dev team will definitely mean DORF takes time to come into its own, but I hope that it too can become something absolutely amazing


The future of RTS games looks promising. We're seeing great innovation and creativity in the genre. Even upcoming games like Immortal Gates of Pyre are adding fresh dynamics, making the future of RTS something to look forward to.


The return of RTS games is a fantastic turn of events for those of us who grew up in the late 90s and 00s during the genre's golden age.

Am excited to see what titles will see in the coming years.


Grant when presenting ZeroSpace: I can't talk about other RTS much, since i'm involved with one and we'll be competing.
Also Grant: Generously applies (healthy) criticism to upcoming strategy games.


8:44 Battlezone was freaking great! I wish there were more games like it.


Ah, yes, Frostpunk... among other games this one gave me the most anxiety. Not because it's a bad game or anything, I was not prepared and too immersed I just could't handle the pressure of choosing between the lives of a group of sick children or my hunters T.T


I'm honestly looking forward to the future of RTS as far as I can see things are looking up


Another game I've got my eye on is Industrial Annihilation, an RTS where you also build a Satisfactory level faktory to power your industry, while you play the game and mikro your units (don't think its koming out in 2024 however)


Im not sure if your aware but if you want another full on '' weve drank their blood and DNA '' game like DORF, Dying Breed might be up your alley, except instead of RA 2 this one leans more towards Tiberium 1


Holy! Cataclismo looks like the improved old "Castle story" which had a great concept and was special in it's way, but devs failed to finished it.
I'm so hyped to play it! Thx.
