How to Start a Gaming Channel and get 1000 Subscribers

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How to get your first 1000 subscribers on your YouTube Gaming channel in 2020? It can happen fast and we can help!

1:03 Increasing Watch Time
4:20 Invest In Upgrades
6:05 Building A Community
8:19 Keep Your Perspective

It's no secret that starting a gaming channel on YouTube in 2020 comes with a lot of extra work than it once required. Playing games on YouTube is fun and the competition is heavy! So as you work towards getting your first 1,000 YouTube subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time, there are some things you could be doing along the way to tip the scale in your favor. Best of all, getting 1000 subscribers on YouTube is free!

-------------------THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!-------------------
🔎Full vidIQ guide:


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I'm not a gaming channel, but I'm still going watch this.


Great video and it’s so tough to get to that 1000, don’t give up as it’s worth it when you get there 🙂


The hardest thing a small YouTuber can feel is when you wake up in the morning and nothing has changed on your channel 😢💔


Thank you for all the tips and tricks, it really helps out to a new creators.💪💪
I am on my way to 100 right now, 1000 is still far but the day will come 🔥.


I’m not a gaming channel but I watched this anyway 😂


Yes! “Putting in the work” applies to all of us!! If you ask for help, then be willing to DO what the host suggests!!


*Live streaming, helped me to get my first 4000 hours in 4-month period of time*


I usually strive for 15-20 minutes for my videos because I know that's what I like for Minecraft LP videos. I don't always succeed, sometimes they run long, but I do my best to trim extra dead time out to keep times short.

And if anyone watching here likes Minecraft LPs by any chance... 😁

Thank you for this great video!


Thanks a ton for this video. I just began to experiment with new games on my channel and noticed that I was losing some subs. I was so focused on the numbers and I forgot about the passion that I had.
I had some really bad burnout, and wanted to take a break, and try new games to post. But, since I've taken a break from uploading, and trying new games, I feel like I'm ready to bounce back to my original game of choice that gained me my 1000 subs, Mechwarrior Online.

Thanks again for the quality content. This one was something I needed to uplift my mood, and get back into the swing of things.


Great video as always. I am in fact a gaming channel, minecraft specifically. I have tried my best lately to turn videos from quantity into quality, the videos themselves are rewarding and get amazing feedback. However as been told by others, my SEO game: thumbnails, description, tags etc. is off. I do my best to advertise via discord and through all the youtuber connections I have. I have been told over and over again that this is the reason why I'm held back as to my peers. Kinda sucks, but I still try my best to offer quality to my viewers.


i got now 56, 500 subs on my Gaming Channel.
I really hope that I can reach the 100k. Your tips help me freshen up a bit about everything


I was searching this today and I found it now love u VidiQ


3:26 He really clicked that video because of the thumbnail.


Thank you so much! “Practice healthy habits” ❤️ Hopefully we’ll all make it there! ☺️🔥


I’ve been running a gaming channel for a while now and I currently have 2k subs which is amazing but it took me a long time. But I really put my heart into it and I think my viewers have seen that which has made them stay and support me


About 20 minutes, I post 6 videos a week. But I only record maybe 1 or 2 days a week maybe on a good day I will record 2 weeks shows. This is something I started doing when I found I was getting "tired", and it's helped a lot with the burnout as I occasionally can get a "vacation".


Who else whispers the “” part of the Intro?


Good evening vidIQ, thanks for the very useful information!


Half of the content creators don't record more than eight audio podcasts.
It's not only with audio podcasting.
It includes any different types of content - YouTube video, blog posts, publishing on social media, webinars, etc.
The main reason is that they don't get results.
Pewdiepie submitted a hundred videos and got less than 300 hundred followers.
Today he has over 104 million followers.
He didn't stop because of the low result.
You never know what touches your audience before testing a lot.
How to test a lot?
Publish every day in different formats.
It's only one way to find it.


It Took Me 4 Months to Reach 100 Subs XD
And 1.2 Year to Reach 1K
Now I Just Crossed 4.3K Subs!!
Channel age almost 3 Years!!
