David N. Johnson (1922-1987) TRUMPET TUNE in D Major Willem van Twillert IBACH-organ Bergen op Zoom

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#willemvantwillert #willemvantwillertmodernorganmusic
This TRUMPET TUNE in D Major is David N Johnson's most famous work.
This Trumpet Tune in D (1962) was performed (in an arrangement for strings) for the wedding of Tricia, the daughter of Richard Nixon, who married in 1971 in the Rose Garden of the White House with music provided by a string orchestra.
The toccata is the theme for Peter Dubois's radio program in the U.S.

Kenneth Herman received organ lessons from David Johnson from 1962-64.
About the photo in this video, Kenneth Herman states:
'The black and white photo is of David N. Johnson sitting at the console of the 1960 Schlicker Organ in Boe Memorial Chapel at St. Olaf College. He was my teacher from 1962 to 1964.'
To my question, How was David Johnson as an organist and as a teacher and human? answers
Kenneth Herman,
'David N. Johnson was a brilliant performer as well as a superb if demanding, organ teacher. He was also a skilled improviser in an era when few American concert organists possessed that facility. As a person, I will leave it as “complex.”
See the comments for this video.

DAVID N. JOHNSON (born June 28, 1922, in San Antonio, Texas; died August 2, 1987, in Tempe, Arizona) is an American organist, composer, educator, choral clinician, and lecturer.
Johnson has published more than 300 compositions, most for church use, and authored an Instruction Book for Beginning Organists (1964) and an Organ Teacher's Guide (1971).
1940-1942 studied organ and composition at the Curtis Institute of Music.
1942-1946 serves in the U.S. Army Signal Corps/Air Corps in India, Burma, and China.
David N. Johnson continues his music studies at Trinity University (Texas) (BMus ​​1950) and Syracuse University (MMus 1951, Ph.D. 1956).
He also held the associate certificate from the American Guild of Organists (AAGO).
1951 Appointed Lecturer at Syracuse University.
From 1960 to 1967, he was a college organist and organ instructor at St Olaf College, Northfield MN.
1965 Appointed President of the Music Department at St. Olaf.
In 1967, he succeeded Arthur Poister as professor of music and university organist at Syracuse University.
1969 moved to Arizona where he teaches at Arizona State University, Tempe.
David N. Johnson married Margaret S. Teal, and they had six children.
David Johnson dedicated this toccata to his wife
Johnson's famous choir work is "The Lone, Wild Bird."

Deze TRUMPET TUNE in D Major is het bekendste werk van David N Johnson.
Deze Trumpet Tune in D (1962) werd uitgevoerd tijdens het huwelijk van Tricia, de dochter van Richard Nixon, die in 1971 trouwde in de Rose Garden van het Witte Huis met muziek die werd verzorgd door een strijkorkest.

David N. Johnson (geboren 28 juni 1922, San Antonio, Texas; overleden 2 augustus 1987 in Tempe, Arizona) is een Amerikaanse organist, componist, pedagoog, koordirigent en docent.
Johnson publiceerde meer dan 300 composities, de meeste voor kerkelijk gebruik, en was auteur van een Instructieboek voor beginnende organisten (1964) en een Orgellerarengids (1971).
1940-1942 studeert orgel en compositie aan het Curtis Institute of Music.

1942-1946 dient in het U.S. Army Signal Corps/Air Corps in India, Birma en China.
David N. Johnson vervolgt zijn muziekstudie aan Trinity University (Texas) (BMus ​​1950) en Syracuse University (MMus 1951, PhD 1956).
Hij komt ook in het bezit van het associate-certificaat van de American Guild of Organists (AAGO).
1951 benoeming als docent aan de Universiteit van Syracuse.
1960-1967 was hij universiteitsorganist en orgeldocent aan het St Olaf College, Northfield MN.
1965 benoemd tot voorzitter van de muziekafdeling van St. Olaf.
1967 volgde hij Arthur Poister op als hoogleraar muziek en universitair organist aan de Universiteit van Syracuse.
1969 verhuizing naar Arizona, waar hij doceert aan de Arizona State University, Tempe.
David N. Johnson was getrouwd met Margaret S. Teal; zij kregen zes kinderen.
Deze toccata droeg David Johnson op aan zijn vrouw.

AUDIO: Marien Stouten
FILM Herman Logtenberg
POST-PRODUCTION: Dr. Matthijs Vink
REGISTRANT: Marien Stouten
Dank aan JANNO DEN ENGELSMAN titularis Ibach-orgel voor stemmen tongwerken.
HANS SMOUT zorgde voor een vlekkenloze organistatie. Dank daarvoor, Hans.

Thanks to JANNO DEN ENGELSMAN titular of the Ibach organ for tuning the reeds.
HANS SMOUT ensured flawless organization,. Thanks, Hans.

Nearly all major IBACH organs have come to a disastrous end in one way or another.
Fortunately, this does not apply to the IBACH organ in the Sint-Gertrudiskerk in Bergen op Zoom, a wonderfully beautiful organ, beautifully restored and, where necessary, reconstructed by
Verschueren organ building under the advice of Jan Jongepier and Roger van Dijk.
It has 42 stops 3 manuals and a pedal).
Рекомендации по теме

Perfect execution ...I am studying this music piece too


The black and white photo is of David N. Johnson sitting at the console of the 1960 Schlicker Organ in Boe Memorial Chapel at St. Olaf College. He was my teacher from 1962 to 1964.


Dear Kenneth Herman, I have now published your comments in the text accompanying this video.
It is valuable biographical information that I am happy to disclose.
I hope I get your permission for this.


Powerful trumpet, tuba or tromba stop this organ has.


What a beautiful composition. Beautiful organ and execution. All beautiful.
