Futuristic self-driving pods arrive at Heaton Park | Manchester Evening News

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Futuristic self-driving pods arrive at Heaton Park

The heated pods can take visitors on on a set route around the park, starting from Heaton Hall and travelling down past the lake.

Without any driver on board, they have the technology to be able to stop as soon as anything gets in their way.

Two of the pods- standing for 'pods on demand' - will be running next week as part of a trial aimed at gauging public reaction to them.

New sensor technologies mean they can facilitate ‘platooning’ - allowing the vehicles to follow each other in a controlled formation, carrying up to four passengers in each one.

Westfield Technology Group, the company behind what is titled Project Synergy, is hoping a positive response will 'provide a compelling argument' for organisations such as Manchester City Council to consider making them a permanent fixture.

It follows the world's first trial of the autonomous vehicles in the Lake District earlier this year and the project has been part funded by Innovate UK and the Centre for Connected and Autonomous vehicles.

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