Vowel Song (Monkey images)

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Rationale for “Vowel Song”
This song targets the motor planning and differentiation between the early acquired vowels of “oh, uh, oo, ee, ah” within a song that is engaging with the images of the monkeys. The monkeys offer a visual differentiation in how they are positioned, the colors of their clothes, their facial expressions, to invite an understanding of the different nuances in these vowel tones. This could additionally be a conversation topic to encourage greater verbal communication by asking what each monkey is wearing, how they look, what they think the monkeys like to do, etc.
The melody is swung and cheerful to offer greater flexibility in when the vowels are executed, and encourage an easy-going perspective on practicing these vowels. Additionally, the rhythm of the song offers consistent strong quarter note beats at the beginning of each phrase for the client to anticipate, and work up to the freer second half of each phrase over time.
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