How The Ninja H2R Destroyed All Bikes😳| Explained Ep.23

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Music By: White Bat Audio
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Having tracked many bikes for decades and, most recently an H2R for a few years, I can say with confidence that nothing begins to come close to the visceral thrill, exuberance, and absolute terror this bike instills in its rider. This beast is pure violence on two wheels.


As an owner of an Hayabusa. I respect the H2 and what Kawasaki does. Rivals during the day, brothers at night. 💪


You have some of the best automotive content out there. To the point, well thought out pacing, excellent narration, and zero fluff. We don't deserve you 337 lol.


I did some basic math last night. The H2 is 11.6% lighter while 9.6% more power than the Zx-14. It's easy for people to see supercharged and lose sight that it isn't the absolute craziest HP stock, it's the fact it's a liter bike putting down 10% more power than its 1.4L counterpart, while shaving over 10% overall weight.


The story of the H2 is the story of a company knowing exactly what its most hardcore fan base wants, and delivering above and beyond. If you ask an old timer what it was like to ride an (original) H2, a common answer is along the lines of “Son, you gotta lay down across the tank, pull the throttle and try to keep the wheelie down” 😂


A 3" turbine going in excess of 130, 000rpm the tips of the blades are traveling over 1000mph. Lots of little sonicbooms in that compressor and they managed to overcome the turbulence caused by them as well.


I own an H2 and this video gave me chills and made me even more proud to own one. Thank you 337 SPEED for this awesome content.


Back in the 90's I had a ZX-10, it was slightly modded and was insanely fast. I can definitely imagine how fast a Hayabusa or a H2, a V4 Panigale or any other modern sport bike must be. It is overwhelmingly impressive. I applaud all the engineers who have given us these wonderful engines.


Love this channel! Pinnacle of automotive content! The way you give the history, break down the evolution, explain the parts and what they do, it’s amazing. Keep doing you bro!


This is the first video of yours I've come across, and by God it's movie or documentary worthy, clean, to the point, and incredibly engaging. You've earned this sub, how are you not a larger channel!?


Your content is so articulate and great. Used to see your TikToks on YT but now your channels provides pure content. Much love


Great video, great technical narration & explanations not just the "high points" of someone making a video reading other peoples work,
Was neat to see the old 750 Turbo footage, I used to lust after the one on display and still have one of the brochures


The narration of these videos has improved so much since you first started making these keep up the good work man


This video was a significant contributing factor to me finally deciding to get an H2 - I picked it up yesterday! Keep up the awesome videos.


Great video. And yes, with all the models, it gets confusing. People see the h2, or sx and think its a h2r. I have a h2 sx/se and my wife has a zh2. Amazing bike. The linear power is unlike any other NA bike. When tuned, the power doesnt drop, its still climbing when you hit the rev limiter, even when you extend it. As where NA bikes the power starts to drop off near rev limit.


Just wanted to give you some credit. A while ago when you only had a few videos out I watched one out of my love of combustion power... since then your videos continue to keep me hooked in the entire presentation. Great job!


I used to own the original H2 Triple 1972. I customized it for show and go. Denco chrome expansion chambers, black chrome down bars, a small fairing, chrome plating everywhere. And, to top it off, a costom pearl blue paint job with faided white pearl pin stripes. Also, painted the engine black and an aftermarket clutch. It was "VERY" fast straight line, but not great in the turns. Got a lot of thumbs up. I realize that had I kept it stock it would have retained a higher value today given how rare they are. I also owned an LTD1000 1978. Was going to customize that too, but was stolen out of my driveway. Thanks for this interesting video. Nicely done.


Ive commented before and im making this just as starting the video

337 you have probably the best automotive content out there currently with this series


A 10.99 in 1983 is almost mind-blowing.


I love the 6' long swing arm, really keeps the aesthetic of a sport bike
