Показать описание
Пример создания потока на чтение
const textStream = new ReadableStream({
start( controller ) {
let messages = [
"How do you use the Streams API’s readable stream functionality?",
"The Fetch API allows you to fetch resources across the network",
"The body property is a simple getter exposing the body contents as a readable stream",
"You can consume Fetch Body objects as streams and create your own custom readable streams",
"The ReadableStream interface of the Streams API represents a readable stream of byte data"
Чтение потока
function readStream ( stream, container ) {
function getChank ( { done, value } ) {
if ( done ) return
Контейнер для вывода данных
).textContent = chank
Вызов функции readStream
readStream ( textStream, messageBox )
const textStream = new ReadableStream({
start( controller ) {
let messages = [
"How do you use the Streams API’s readable stream functionality?",
"The Fetch API allows you to fetch resources across the network",
"The body property is a simple getter exposing the body contents as a readable stream",
"You can consume Fetch Body objects as streams and create your own custom readable streams",
"The ReadableStream interface of the Streams API represents a readable stream of byte data"
Чтение потока
function readStream ( stream, container ) {
function getChank ( { done, value } ) {
if ( done ) return
Контейнер для вывода данных
).textContent = chank
Вызов функции readStream
readStream ( textStream, messageBox )