This Is Why We TRASH PICK Millionaires Homes!

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Trash Picking Rich Peoples Homes in the Beach Towns near us and we find absolutely unbelievable stuff. This Is Why We TRASH PICK Millionaires Homes! #trashpicking #garbagepicking #freedomtodream


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You guys are the BEST!! You’re so realistic and relatable! You inspired me to pick my neighbors patio furniture that sat for 2 days. I think everyone else was too proud, including my own husband. BUT we brought it home and the next day, it all sold for $225!!


Years ago, a friend of mine who lived in Philly always went what she called junking.
She knew the trash days of all the rich neighborhoods and beyond .
She had a van that was on its last leg, but she went anyhow!!
She made a killing with super expensive things, especially during the holidays, because people would buy all new furniture, etc and just set it out on the trash !! The trash men would get so mad at her because she would go in the middle of the night. So by the time trash collection came, she already had been there ! 🤭🤬
I forgot how many years she did this for.
All and all, she sold the stuff at the flea markets, etc .
She ended up having a house built from the ground up in New
Good luck to you guys !!!!


I had it even better. My ex remodeled beach houses. People were always telling him to take what he wanted, as they were redecorating too. Sometimes the houses had been in families for generations, and had lots of older, interesting stuff. Every day he’d come home with the back of his pickup filled with surprises. For so, e of the old cedar houses he had to sadly knock down, he brought home cedar planks and made me furniture….book shelf units, tables, benches. Still have most of it.


It's sad seeing so many things in good condition sent out as garbage. People should try to donate .
For a lot of people picking through someone's left item will be beneath them. But that's false pride. Good to see you guys salvaging things.


My wife gets so pissed when I pull over and go through someone’s trash.
Good for you dude.


i gasped when the stack of verner panton chairs showed up i was truly in disbelief seeing those amazing design chairs thrown out like that


People throwing away art and others getting excited about Louis Vuitton boxes... we are living in a strange world hahaha. Fun video!


The oil painting you left behind was probably the most expensive one


"Smells like a rug that came out of someone's house that has money". 😆 I TOTALLY know what you're talking about LOL


After my friend that worked at a Goodwill said they smash almost 60 Percent of the stuff donated in the big compactor. Because they didn't have enough workers or store space for the stuff. So now I put everything I don't want on my curb and like magic it's all gone in 5 minutes.


Trash picking is one of my favorite hobbies, I find some awesome stuff . A great big thank you so much for taking care of Big Mama, I rescue cats from the inner city doing TNR with the focus on adopting out as many as possible . We also take hospice cats to live out their lives in a home so they don’t pass away unknown and unloved . They are loved as our own until it’s their time .


I like the way you are so regular folks. No matter how much money you make, you still stick to your roots your same persona. As Sammie says she likes thrift clothes. It’s nice to hear that. Not everyone flaunts a life style above their head. When ever I watch your videos, I am inspired. Don’t ever change! You guys are the best!❤


I love that as a society we ask if we can take the trash to be polite but we all know that it was laid out precisely to have someone come by and give it a new life. It was on display haha I love trash picking!!


Had a friend that lived in an upscale area. Once a year they were given a large pick up garbage day. She found some great items. One item she took to have it appraised. It was an old pewter soup server. It was damaged, but she knew pewter held value. The appraiser kept holding on to it. When she finally demanded it to be returned & asked why he held it for so long, he told her it belonged in a was priceless! Needless to say, she kept it.


It is unbelievable. A friend of mine is a trash collector in New York. Tons of awesome finds.


I love that Sammi is not too proud to love to thrift for clothes. She always looks so pretty and fashionable. You go girl. And you keep feeding those stray kitty cats 💕 love you guys. 💕😘


Love you guys . Saving the earth, setting a good example and making a profit. "Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without."


Im shocked that you left that beautiful Xlarge frame behind. That hands-down, would have been my first pick for sure! The painting inside was just a bonus to the frame. That frame alone would be worth hundreds of dollars if not a thousand +. What a shame


I am absolutely your new fan for taking care of the kitty. You can tell a lot about the character of someone in how they treat animals. Thank you!


Thank you for loving and caring for a feral cat! It is the best love you can share by giving her what she needs to live life to the fullest. We have had 4 ferals in our time. 3 we have brought indoors and integrated with our already indoor cats. 1 we just lost at age 12. At this point we dont think we can love another. Then it will show up at our door. We will open the garage for them to live inside there. We have a heated bed for the winter as we are in the northeast.
