Franc D'Ambrosio & Lisa Vroman: Point of No Return

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One of the best renditions of this song I have ever seen. I love how much these two got into their parts. I love the little touches they put in and the old-school vibes that you just don't see as much today.
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I was lucky to be living near San Francisco when this production was in town. I saw it 4 times! The entire production exceeded any other version I saw including the one I saw on Broadway. I wish it had been captured on video. "Wishing It was Somehow Here Again".


Great to hear a Phantom with light, shade and tone to his voice...rather than the endless belting we hear now


Wow Lisa Vroman never ceases to amaze me! What a sultry interpretation of the song. You wouldn’t imagine this from just hearing her think of me or wywsha. What an amazing well rounded performer she is


I saw these two…… still in awe of their magic 🎭


Now THAT was one of the best PONR’s I’ve EVER seen! 

I’ve not heard of this Phantom actor before, but now I need to see it there is more of this guy on here! Man he REALLY plays up the Phantom being completely seduced by Christine! Which is the point of the scene yet some actors I feel don’t show us the Phantom going completely insane with desire here as much as I feel they should.

I LOVE how when she takes his hands, he actually brings both her hands towards him and kisses them both through his hood…you can really feel his love and adoration for her in that moment through the lust, and realize that he’s completely lost himself and is not even attempting to pretend to be Piangi anymore.❤


Here at glassprism's recommendation...definitely one of the best ever performances of this song. 👏


one of the best christines ever hands down


One of my favourite renditions of this song. ❤


My second favorite Christine!..
Lisa you're fabulous 💐💐


Memories for me, saw these two in SF in 96, one of the best pairings


These two are awesome. I like how he imitates Piangi. She's the best Christine! She even belts "all thought of right or wrong". What are the old-school vibes?


So very late. Never the less I thank you ever so much Marlene! I think it is well established by now I am a major Lisa Vroman fan because of of her sublime well rounded artistry. I still can not believe she's never recieved an award of some kind for her contribution to the art that musical theatre. But let's not ever forget about the incredible Franc. He's not given nearly enough recognition. Yet just look at his performance. Spine-tingling! In my humble opinion. One of the greatest duos as these coveted characters to ever exist. Thank you again for sharing this clip from an under-rated yet remarkable jewel of this performance. :)


One thing that should be noted is that the Curran Theater is a tiny intimate theater. The Orchestra was on the small side, too. Small theater = intimate and intense experience. I saw the production on tour more recently at the Orpheum in San Francisco (years after the SF production closed), and it wasn't as good. Music was at a rushed tempo, and the theater wasn't as engaging. I think this was before the changes.
This video of D'Ambrosio and Vroman is pure gold.

Do you have any more of this couple from their time at the Curran? Or perhaps the U/S Karen Culliver?


What date was this performance? Is this the '98 one?


Franc does sound a lot like Thomas James O'leary
