Surgery Updates

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Hey Spirit Tribe! Yesterday, I had a complete hysterectomy. Everything went good. I ended up getting stuck 7 times because my veins didn't want to cooperate. The vein finder wasn't even helping. So, the anesthesiologist had to get an ultrasound machine to get my IV's in. I am now home today Tuesday 1/4/2022. Everyone at the hospital was really good. I am tired & got 6-8 weeks of healing time ahead of me. I am not really in a lot of pain, which is good. Mostly feel pressure in my belly. I have color in my face again, it has been a long time since I have. My Mama got me the little owl pillow named Pinky & I absolutely love it!

If you have any questions or would like to connect with me, you can reach me in the following ways:

DONATIONS: If you wish to support me during this time, then I would be most grateful 💖🙌🏻🙏🏻 You are welcome to send your donations to me at the following:

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