The Chosen - Episode 7 - A Pastor's Commentary

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The Chosen - Episode 7 - A Pastor's Commentary - Invitations
I'm tired of trying to find new adjectives to describe how much these episodes appeal to me. This is the culmination of much tension regarding Matthew and Nicodemus. They've been pursuing the miracle-worker, and it appears He has found them.


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All clips from The Chosen are copyright The Chosen and Angel Studios.

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I can watch that scene over and over and over again…. I love you, Jesus


The John 3 scene with Nicodemus absolutely leaves me in tears every time I have seen it, which is now about 7 times. As you said, it is phenomenal and deeply moving. It rocks my soul as well. In the most beautiful way. Thank you for sharing your insights. They are a blessing!


I love to watch Nico crying like a baby and Jesus comforting him!


Psalm 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. WOW


Can you imagine actually meeting Nicodemus in person when we get to heaven someday? Wow what an awesome Time that we are going to get to meet all these wonderful Children of God.


John 3: 16, so emotional and beautiful, it’s make so real to me even more. I cry every time I see.


I love how Mary Magdalene smiles when Jesus calls Matthew


Psalm 2:12 KJV Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way... Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him." Aloha from Hawaii 🤗🕊️❤️🔥🌈


Hello Sir, i am Rohan from India, a Hindu born boy. I used to worship the false gods, but Jesus opened my eyes and revealed who the true God is(he himself). Thank you so much and yes this episode is one of the best. I hope season 3 will release on The Chosen app as soon as possible.😃😄😍


I can watch this scene over and over again and I'll always tear up because that line, "Blessed are all who take refuge in Him" makes me wonder as to how amazing it would be to one day stand before Jesus and Him welcoming you into His Kingdom and embracing you like that...I would cry exactly like that because having Him embrace you like that, who wouldn't cry because at that moment you would be filled with all His love and all His holiness.

I have an amazing God. Thank you my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for what you did for us.


The scene with Jesus n Nicodemus is my favorite for sure!! I've seen it over 20 times n I still cry like a baby every time, cuz I can easily imagine the falling to my knees n sobbing, at his feet would surely be my only possible reaction to being in His presence!


I have watched both seasons a dozen times. Yet this scene, John 3:16 wrecks me every time. I am really appreciate your commentary, so insightful. TY Seeing The calling of Matthew makes me smile.


It rocks me too!!!
It’s one of my favorite bible passages already. When I first read it, not that long ago, I cried even then. It’s just so clear and yet I don’t hear enough Christians really getting this.
Thank you God!!


I Love that you see Deeply into every scene. Your reactions are Real, Authentic & Sincere! Your comments lift me up as it Affirms so much of what I see & Believe! I look forward to more of your videos!


Aloha Pastor,
GET USE TO DIFFERENT!! 👍 👍 👍 Doesn't matter how many times I've watched this, I never get tired of it! 👌👌😊😊 Praise God you're doing well!🙌🙋❤


Here I am again, I, like you, seem to have a whole lot to say about some of these awesome scenes. That scene with Nicodemus was over the top, i've seen it well over a dozen times now and it still makes me cry. I recently retired from 40 yrs a yrs early, as I didn't want the jab, it's been an adjustment monetarily but God is good, he's taken me out of that toxic environment and I am grateful!
Can't remember why I brought that up LOL, but glad you said that you also cried, I get so involved with these characters, totally empathizing, which I also did in my job, hugging people at the nursing home that were lonely....scared....sad about being there, I truly loved them and prayed for them. Love your analysis of different scenes, and have to laugh, because you sound like is my fav episode or part or scene", and come to realize that they all are wondrous in their own way because I truly believe Gods finger is upon this whole production. Every character is played with max effect by the right person, I wouldn't change one. The only one I'm not totally loving is little James, his personality isn't as big or impactful as the others, but in his defense, I don't really think they give him much screen time compared with the others, so maybe that will come in time. I DID love how he sang acapella! Going back to the scene with Matthew and his mom, how sad, does God shun us when we don't do things His way? I have 2 kids, and if one was living a bad lifestyle, how could I turn my back on them? I would tell them they're wrong, but my love for them is UNconditional, as it should be, that's how Jesus loves us, He doesn't say, well, as soon as you get saved, or give up that habit I'll love you, so we should learn from Him. Blessings to you my friend, Nora in MI.


Thanks for this incredible commentary. You really are a chosen one. I hope Dallas sees your videos, can't wait for the next one.😁


This is my favorite episode (right now) ...I used my last kleenex during the Nicodemus scene, and had to see Matthew being called (again!...seen before), in order to recover!!
Every last one of these can't imagine anyone else playing their part~perfection!!! I was thinking among the things Matthew gave up...was his lonliness. Finally, he was wanted ! 💜


Yes, this my favorite episode! I love the interaction between Jesus and Nicodemus!


Yes, I do feel for Nickodemus, he is being pressured from all sides.
